Stop Wounding Our Father!!

By Linda

April 24, 2015


Friday, April 24, 2015 3:39 – 4:00

Words are weird, Father.  And how many different versions of words have You sent us goofballs?


Blesséd Children, do not be swayed and charmed by the sounds of sin.
Surely they lead you away from your Lord God and Father 
whose Love for you is more immense than the ocean.

Seek not the experience of a tribulation, Children.
Why are you curious for punishment 
but no head is turned by Love?

Are My Belovéd Children attracted to such darknesses 
that only destructiveness or pain or shock or (that which indescribable) is what draws you?

Belovéd Children, seek Love 
and the tenderness of My touch upon your brow.
Such peace My Love brings to you 
and yet so many of My Children turn Me away.

Belovéd Children, do not wound your Lord God and Father so.
I made you so Lovingly.

Children, come to Me 
and examine your faith and Love for Me.

Strengthen your trust in your Lord God.
Set yourself firmly 
so as you proclaim your Love for My Glorious and Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, 
you shall not waver an inch.

You shall stay firmly planted in your Love in the face of all storms.

Thus, I say, pray 
and know what your Belovéd Lord accepts 
and what I do not accept.
I am a Loving Father and a judge as well.

My Belovéd Children, in all of your broad sinning and debauchery,
have forgotten Judgment by the Lord God.

Belovéd Children, do not disbelieve in My Love, 
I say just as I say, 
do not disbelieve in My anger.

Do not expect your Lord God and Father 
to allow or sustain or endure abuse.
Do not believe that the curses and degradations 
of the Christ, My Most Belovéd Son, go unnoticed, My Children.

I forgive all who come to Me in repentance 
and My Heart fills with Love and joy.
Yet there are some who do not come to Me and still sin relentlessly 
and wound My Son by their darkened Hearts.

These Children, I say, cannot continue this sinning.  
I am a Loving God but I do not accept 
the wounds hurled upon My Belovéd Son, the Christ, 
whom I Love.

Belovéd Children, come to Me.
I call you again.
Come to Me and join Me in My Perfect Love.

I give My Children good gifts 
and I long to give them to My Children who are delaying.

Children, do not delay your Love.
Hide it from the darknesses of this World 
and bring your Love, your Beauteous Love to the Light of Life, 
My Son, the Belovéd Christ.

We do not fail our Belovéd Children.

I dote upon the faithful Hearted 
and look to these Children like they are gems 
shining upon the earth by the Son’s Light.

Belovéd Children, pray 
and grow strong in your Love and trust for Me.

Pray for strength 
and increase your Love in Me.
I revel in your Love 
and I am made joyful by it.

I long for the Love of All of My Belovéd Children.

Come to Me, thus and know the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

Belovéd Children, I give you My Peace.
Peace.  Peace.