Children, Give Me Your Love

By Linda

June 8, 2015


Belovéd Children, I am ever with you.  Do not despair, for I am the Lord God who Loves you and you are My Belovéd Creations.

Belovéd Children, follow Me.  Let your interior prayers call out to Me with gladness and joy.  Trust always in Me, for it is I who gives you Light and New Life by My Son the Christ who also Loves you deeply.  Children, you cannot fathom the depths of Our Love for you.  You are too small or tiny to understand such Love.  My Love for you is inexhaustible and I Long for the Love of My Children.

Belovéd Ones, do not hesitate in your prayers.  Never tire of Me and of your dialogues with Me.  For I am you Lord God and Father.  Submit yourselves to My Holy and Glorified Will.  I do not lead My Children astray.  I give My Belovéd Children good gifts, for I am your Heavenly Parent and I smile and gaze upon My Children.

Oh, Suffering Ones, do not despair.  I see your will and ask you to be strong in your fear.  Trust in Me, the Lord God who Loves you like no other.  I shall lead you out of all darkness and bring to the Light of My Love.  I AM Love.  My Son, the Belovéd Christ, looks upon you, Children of this World, and weeps for your souls.  How the Christ weeps in His Great Compassion and Love for you.  Do not reject My Belovéd Son, the Christ, for He is the reason you are free.  Do not reject My Son, oh Children.  It is through Him that you live in the life ever after.  He is My Belovéd Son and His tears flood the whole of Heaven when Our Children deny Him your Love.

Beauteous and Belovéd Children, give Me your Love.  When you give Love to Me, you are giving Love to the Son, for We are One with each other and are fully overjoyed when your Love for Us is spoken.  Belovéd Children, I am for you as you are for Me.  Do not reject your Lord God who Loves you so, for you know not what awaits you, and your strength lies with your prayer (rests in your prayer).  Belovéd Children, do not be afraid, but know and understand My Will for you, Belovéd Children who are so very blind.

Children, walk on the lighted path My Belovéd Son has set forth for you.  Do not stray from His Path and Love the Light of Life who leads you to Me, His Belovéd Father who adores you.  Children, you have no cause for pain when you Love Me.  I am for you and wait for your call.  Hear Mine, oh Children of this World.  Hear My Call.  I seek out your Hearts for My Own keeping that you will be ever-joyous within My Love.

Belovéd Children, pray, for you will need to pray much soon, in the not so distant future.  Surely Man will know the Glory of God and many will submit themselves wholeheartedly to Me.  Many will turn to Me with hope and they shall know the greatness of My Mercy and the depths of My Forgiveness.  Prepare yourselves, My Children, and know what I accept and what I do not accept.  I do not want the lukewarm but the fully passionate.

I am the Lord God who is Love and Mercy and I desire All of My children come to Me now.  Do not wait, My Children.  Do not dawdle.  Bring your Hearts to Me and let this Worldliness go.  You are struck in grave darknesses as you worship the iniquities of the World.  There are Many you recognize and yet still engage in them fully, knowing as you do that you are breaking the Heart of God, the Christ who has died for you to pour forth great Mercies and Forgiveness.

Belovéd Children, stop wounding My Son, the Christ.  Do not betray Him.  Cease your sinning now, today, that I can take great pleasure in your purity of Heart.  Love Me, My Children.  Be faithful and attentive to God the Father, for My Love for you is a saving grace.  It is for you and it is BIG.  BIGGER than you can imagine.  Join Me in My Belovéd Kingdom where My Angels applaud and worship Me and sing praises to their Heavenly Father who smiles upon them. Be Loving or Adoring like My Angels.  Your Love is so much more important to Me.

Believe Me, Children, when I say I am with you.  Believe Me when I say, the sins of this World sway Me or sicken Me. Believe Me when I say My Patience wears thin even as My Mercy is ever yours.  I tire of this great sinning taking place in this World.  Without My Mercy, this World would be annihilated in one bitter breath, but My Children, you are so precious to Me.  My Love is so great for you, and I want you in Eternal Life with Me.  [Like in His Arms] 

Children, do not be afraid of what comes, for even the smallest (animals) weather the fiercest storms.  So it is or will be with Man.  Belovéd Children, when that time or that storm comes, you shall be My ready Army, filled with the Grace of My Love and overcome by the Spirit who blesses each of you.  Trust in Me and know Peace.  My Peace is for you, My Children.  Therefore, I say to you, pray.

Pray, My Belovéd Children, and do not stray from Me.  You shall be bewildered without Me.  Do not test your wills, for you shall do worse by them.  Merely Love Me, your Lord God who Loves you so well.  Do not doubt My Love for you.  Do not doubt that I hear your prayers.  I see you weathering storms on your own accord and how weary My Children are. Take My Hand, Children and unburden yourselves and feel the joy of My Love and tenderness.

Belovéd Children, the Leviathan wanders freely amongst you and revels in your sins.  Do not give him fodder for his darknesses.  Instead, call out My Name and I shall be with you and will pluck you out of your own iniquities and make you clean.  Belovéd Children, come to Me now.  Come to Me and know peace and joy.

Pray My Children, and I hear your prayers.  Call on Me and know My Love.  Prayerful Ones, prepare your Hearts further by praying, for you will be the first tested ones.  The glory of God is found as you pray.  Pray, Belovéd Children. Prayer is stronger than you know or believe.  Take up the mantles of your Hearts and pray.  I am here, Belovéd Children, and I say pray.  Pray, My Children.  Pray.