A Brief Respite

By Linda

June 12, 2020

Do not become complacent, Children.  Complacency leads you to forgetfulness and distraction. You are meant to be Mine and this complacency leads you away from Me.

Children of My Heart, My Divine Heart, listen to My Calls. Yes, it is true. My Divine Will lives and conquers, but My Children, at what price? Belovéds, you are My Spiritual fighters; My Warriors against the plight of this World.
Why  do I say it is urgent, My Child, but because too many of My Belovéd Children are damned. I give more time, more time than what is deserved, simply because I hope so much for Man’s Love. I provide Time that you might draw your Brothers to Me by your Love of Me and your very demonstrations of My Divine Will.

For who among you would reject Love and Peace? Who among you would deny the relief of forgiveness from your Father? Who among you is not tired of the angst and tribulations of this World? Come to Me for peace. Come to Me for compassion and Forgiveness. Indeed, come to Me for My Love. Let me envelop you with Love, Mercy, and self-value.

Oh Children, do you not understand with the depths of your Hearts how Eternally Lovely (GORGEOUS, BIG) you are to Me? You are My Delights and My Desire for you is joy within the Divine Will of My Heart. Once engaged and consumed, oh! How this World and its troubles wane!

Come to Me, oh Children of My Heart. You must come to Me, for I will be your only comfort in this battle.
Yes, Child. The Goodness and Truth win in the end, but do you not think or know that the price of war will not be great? All wars are terrible, and this one will be terrible still. Thus, I have told you, Child, gird your belt and prepare. Know what I accept and do not accept. Understand that you must Love your Brothers as I Love you, but you must NOT condone the sins of Men. That is why understanding and reviewing and knowing My Word is so crucial.

Ah, My Children, your Hearts are cowardly because you mistake Love and understanding. You must know to the cores of your Heart(s) what is wrong and what I do not accept. If, in knowing My Laws, you guide another to err, because you are fearful, know that you damn yourself as well as the other.

Children, you cannot compromise with sin. How can you compromise? There is no light in sin and no Light in Darkness. There is no darkness in Light or darkness in My Love. Children of My Heart, you are growing complacent. How easy it is to become lazy as Satan places his obstacles before you. Demand your freedom and time and cherished visits to Me, your Belovéd Lord God. By what right will Man keep you from Me?
Do not be weak but strengthen yourselves and know that the pain and longing you have felt at losing the Eucharist is merely a taste of what is to come. Thus, I say, confess now. Indulge in the ineffable blessings of the Divine Son, the Eucharist, Divinity made flesh. You can do nothing more important than to garner the strength, (the) Divine Strength than to partake in the Most Holy of Holies.

Children, chaos comes. You will be tested and tested severely. Those who are weak in prayer and fickle and afraid of the condemnation of Man will fail. Yet, in their Love of Me, still they will seek redemption. I am a Most Loving God and crave every Soul to come to Me. Thus, I do not deny nor turn away even the most fickle of sinners so long as they come to Me with repentant Hearts and sorrow in their eyes. I embrace them, and I ask that you also embrace those who make you indignant for their treatment of Me. My Generosity in Forgiveness is My Own and no one should counter or question the bounty of My Enduring Love.

So I ask of you, My Dearest Children, to continue praying for your Brothers and Sisters. When you pray, I hear your prayers and answer them sublimely and with great Love. I do not fail those who have Loved Me so sweetly, warmly, affectionately. You are My Delights. Do you not understand, can you not feel the sheer delight of My Love?

Children, this World is on a deadly and dark path, one that is inevitable. But with Me, all things are possible. I mitigate your pain. I limit time. I encapture evil and send it away into fathomless places. You are Mine, and I protect those whom I Love so dearly.

There is free will, My Children, a choice that is made your own. I do not force Myself on My Children, nor do I demand your Love. Love is created on Free Will and cannot be forced in captivity. Your Love is a gift based on free will. You may Love Me. You may be indifferent. You may hate Me. And with all this pain caused by Man when you are inattentive, still, I wait. I long for your every minute of every day. My longing brings Me to tears when My Children do not answer My Calls.

Belovéd Children of My Heart, do not doubt when I say your Time is short. My Divine Mercy was purposely abducted and kept from My Belovéds. [By the situation in the world, perhaps – Covid?] Seek Me out while there is time. This is a respite only, so to strengthen your Souls and your Love of Me and discernment of lawlessness, you must partake wholeheartedly and with reconciled Hearts the Eucharist, the Holiest of Holies.
You have been tested. Now shall My absence be more permanent and your Hearts will weep. Thus, strengthen yourselves now while you have time. Soon you will not have Time, and the Holy Body of Christ shall grow so scarce as to become invisible.

Children of these Times, you are Mine. Your hearts that are given over to Me are protected for all Time. Even though you may be martyred within this World, know that your sacrifice for My Glory and Name measures you with the Saints. I am with you ever in your martyrdom, and you shall feel only the Glory of My Love for your Sacrifice.
Oh, Children, there shall be so many sacrificed to the hands of Man. Already so many are sacrificed. Children, do not fear but lean on Me. Trust that My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, has suffered and suffers with you as you suffer in His Name.

Do not be afraid to proclaim My Name. Do not be afraid to commit yourself to Me openly and with great fanfare.
You are My Belovéds, and I cherish you. Trust in My Love for you and do not be troubled by the chaos within this World. Yes, it shall grow steadily more intense, but when you live in My Divine Will, you are joyous, perpetuating My Light, and ever within My Heart, My Most Sacred Heart.

Therefore, My Children, do not place yourselves in the heart of deliberate confusion. Put your Hearts in My Loving Hands and know peace. You are meant for joy and peace and Light. Let My Love guide you rightly and all troubles cease to confuse. All tremors turn to peace. All confusion becomes discerned.

Trust  in Me, My Lambs. You are Belovéd to Me. Always, I am with you. When you doubt Me most, call upon Me and My Divine Love and I shall make Myself known within your own. I gather the lonely and confused and downtrodden to My Bosom. You are My Belovéd Children, and as I am the perfect and Loving Father, you may place all of your trust in Me and know you shall never ever be betrayed.

Know Me, Children. Know Me, and trust entirely in My Will. Trust Me when it is most illogical and difficult. It is when I am trusted completely that the truth of My Love becomes absolutely clear.

Let Me be your rest, your peace, your Redemption, and your Love. Trust in Me, your Most Belovéd Savior. Trust in Me, for I have died and Risen for you. I have Sacrificed that you may be saved.

Belovéd Children of My Divine Heart, trust in My Love for you. I grant you My Peace, My Love and My Compassion. Come to Me with no doubts and I embrace you with absolute Love. My Children, My Delights, waste no more Time.