A message for Independence Day

By MatthewSix25to34

July 4, 2016

Hello my brothers and sisters, I wish you a happy Fourth of July.
I will probably leave my part on this very short as I do not have much time, but I feel it is urgent that I get this message out to you tonight regarding the celebration of our great nation. God did not seem to pleased with us today at mass when He shared the message I will give you this evening. So for now let’s pay attention to the words that He speaks when he says for us to “Pray” for our country, our leaders and our church. I will keep this short and speak to you soon, God bless.


July 4’th 2016

Lord: My child be at peace, it is I your Lord and God and Father. Do not be dismayed at your current situation for you are in the palm of my hand and I will let no harm come to you or your family. Look around you my son, look at the land I blessed so abundantly that now appears as a canker sore of sin that is seen on the face of my creation. Everything around you that looks mighty will fall. Just as the great Temple was, so shall be this country be and its leaders. I have given so much to my children here, blessed them with all the blessings a country could ask for and still they dishonor me and my laws for mankind. It is all a facade, and one that will come tumbling down collapsing the walls of pride and greed that support those in power. Isn’t it sad my son that I receive more thanks and praise from those you would call destitute and coming from underdeveloped nations than I receive from my children of this great nation that I’ve given so much to? Pray for your country my children and pray for your leaders who will have to answer for every rule they have made and for every one of my children affected by them, good and bad. Pray my children that I will relent of my punishment for these grave sins against me. Pray and sacrifice more for the sins of mankind, especially those within the rankings of my holy church that was built upon the blood of those who died for it; starting with my son Jesus Christ. Pray for peace my children so that I may grant it to this world that is in such desperate need of it. Please my children heed my call, for the trumpet has blown and the word has been sent to purify my creation. Do not be caught unprepared.
That is all my son, now go and pray for the peace I have requested. I love you, amen.