Message of Our Lady to Angela

By Our Lady of Zaro

December 8, 2018

This evening Mother appread as the "Immaculate Conception".

Her dress was white and the mantle enveloping her was also white and very large, the same mantle also covered her head. On her chest Mother had a heart of flesh crowned with thorns. Mother's arms were open in a sign of welcome. In her right hand she had a long holy rosary of light which almost reached down to her feet. In her left hand she had an ancient-looking book. Mother's head was crowned with a crown of twelve stars. Under her feet Mother had the world, on which scenes of wars could be seen. Upon the world was the serpent, like a dragon, that Mother was holding firmly with her right foot; it was shaking its tail but She was not letting him move.
May Jesus Christ be praised

"My dear children, thank you that this evening you are again here in my blessed woods to welcome me and respond to this call of mine.
My dearly beloved children, this evening I invite you to love one another and to love me with all your heart and with all your strength.
My children, God is love and you are the fruit of God's love. How can you profess to be Christians if you do not then love one another?
Children, I beseech you, love one another and be pure as my immaculate heart.
Children, I am here because I love you and want to save you all. I beseech you, let me enter your hearts; I am constantly knocking on the doors of your hearts, but not all of you open them to me. You are precious to the Lord; do not allow your soul to be soiled by sin and the false beauties of this world.
Children, do not depart from prayer and the sacraments. Hard times await you and many will lose the true path, following false ideologies.
I beseech you, little children, listen to the word of God and treasure it.
When you feel the weight of the cross keenly, invoke the name of Jesus and he will help you: you are a temple of the Holy Spirit and you must have respect for your body and your soul. Humanity is ever more contaminated by sin, despite many others who fight evil with goodness, offering sacrifices, acts of penance and fasts. Learn to renounce; in this way you will become stronger and less fragile. The enemy will go away from you."
Then Mother passed among the pilgrims and gave many graces.
"Children, I want everyone to participate in the triumph of My Immaculate Heart. Pray, pray, pray."
She stretched out her arms and asked me to pray with her.

Finally she blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.