✞ Obedience.
October 13, 2017, São José dos Pinhais / PR
Dear children, peace.
This afternoon I want to bless you and say: I love you very much.
I am your Mother, the Lady of the Rosary, the Mystical Rose.
Praise God for graces received.
Do not be discouraged.
Always pray the rosary.
Pray for the Church and for peace in families.
My children, turn back to God quickly.
On this special day, I wish to bless you with a special blessing.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
October 12,2017, São José dos Pinhais / PR
Dear children, peace.
This afternoon I invite you to pray for peace. Pray, pray.
I rejoice at the presence of each one of you in this sanctuary of mine.
Little children, great is my concern for your families and also for Brazil.
Today being a feast day [Our Lady of Aparecida, Brazil], a day of prayer, my Heart is sad to see the situation in which humanity finds itself.
My children, if you desire peace, seek it through prayer.
Pray in your homes.
I am also concerned about children and young people.
Land [i.e. country/nation], teach your children to pray.
Instruct them in the commandments of God.
Once again I invite you to form groups of people who pray the rosary in their homes (houses)
Little children, do not criticize the priests.
Help them to walk on the path of holiness.
Pray for the Pope. Few of you are praying for this intention.
I rejoice at your good testimony.
Little children, I present your requests of this day to My Divine Son Jesus.
I love you.
I am your Mother the Immaculate Conception, the Mystical Rose - Queen of Peace.
I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
October 5, 2017, São José dos Pinhais / PR
Peace, my children.
I invite you once more to pray the rosary for peace.
My children, do not be discouraged at day-to-day difficulties.
I am your Mother the Mystical Rose, Queen of Peace.
Do not allow anyone to rob you of your faith. Always fight with the Christian's weapons.
Be bringers of peace and witnesses to these apparitions.
The time is coming to an end and with it dryness in many hearts. Be sure to persevere in prayer.
Pray for my intentions.
With love I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.