Message from Our Father

By Linda

December 7, 2015


Monday, December 7, 2015 12:29 – 12:59 pm
Father, You have so much to forgive.  Even if I had a tiny grain of Your forgiving capabilities, I’d do far better than I do now in forgetting stuff that I’ve taken offense over.  And after awhile, it seems silly to have felt hurt at all, knowing that I have nothing to complain about in my good and happy life and when You are so continuously insulted and assaulted and abused by humanity.  I’m sorry for what we do to You.  Please speak loud when You’re guiding me.  Otherwise Your instructions will go right over my head.  Plus, I want to be good and try as best as possible to “earn” Jesus’ sacrifice for Me.  I know it’s impossible, but still, I’d like to at least try.

Belovéd Child/Children, I am here with you, hoping you will turn your eyes to gaze upon My Love.  I am with you and amongst you, always calling, calling.  Children, I yearn for your Hearts.  Why is it difficult to love Love.  I offer no load of heaviness but undertake unto Myself those anxieties that weigh My Belovéd Children down.  Allow Me to carry the weight of your burdens.
Come to your Father, your good and Most Benevolent Lord God.  I offer you sustenance in body and Spirit.  My Love fulfills you and I long to pour it out into your anxious Hearts.  Do not be afraid, Belovéd Children.  Remove the concerns within your Hearts and trust in your Loving and Eternal Parent, for I guide My Children rightly and protect My Children always and give My Belovéd Children good gifts of charity, repose, and Peace.  Oh My Loves, My Beauteous Children, come to your Father who wills all things good for you and who brings your Hearts great joy and tender peace.
Belovéd Children, an era of chaos comes or ensues.  When you are made to choose which side of this fence or gate you must follow, will you choose rightly when you have not sought out My Holy Guidance.  Perpetual Children, sin no more and pray to your Lord God that you may choose rightly and not be led astray by the darknesses that seek to fool and betray My Belovéd Children.  You are for Me as I am for you.  Know this to be true, My Children.  I say a time comes when lands will not bear fruit and the gardens of fruit shall be bare and the waters become polluted with the vanities of Man.  How shall My Children who have been wanton and inattentive of the Lord God fare when the land is barren and will give sustenance no more?
I say, Belovéd Children, pray and I shall give you succor in times of peace, in times of war, in times of famine and in times of fear.  Place your Hearts in My Hands.  Trust in your Lord God, for when you submit yourselves to My Most Blesséd and Holy Will, I guide you rightly away from the deceits of the leviathan that you will be safe and join Me in Eternal Joys and Peace and fruitfulness.  Belovéd Children, how you must pray.  Pray deeply and often.  Always pray, for I hear your prayers and revel with great joy in the attention of My Belovéd Children.  Bring Me, your Holy Father, no grief.  Do not side with the deceitful one and place your Hearts and Souls in such dangers.  Do not put My Heart in such anxieties for you, My Belovéd Children.
Choose Love and (the) Light of My Word, My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus.  You need not seek any other power or guidance or “strong one”[or try to find strength in something or someone else.]  because I have given My Son to you that He will save Man and that His Name shall be praised and adored throughout all nations.  First there will be darkness and chaos and we shall see who will seek out the Glory and Power of your Lord God and Father.  We shall know who calls upon the Son of God in great faith and with great confidence.  We shall see the depths of your trust in the Lamb of God, in His enduring and BIG Love for you.  Do not falter in your faith.
Enjoy the fruits and GREATEST, AMAZING blessings wrought forth by your Communion with the Eucharist, the Son of God who sacrificed Himself for your Eternal Salvation.  Take of the Eucharist now, My Children, for one day soon the lush blessings of this gift, this Most Holy and Beatific gift will reside with you no more and like the driest deserts, you shall long for its replenishing grace.  Belovéd Children, pray and partake of the Eucharist often.  Know or understand fully or thoroughly, the blessings, the significance of the Eucharist!  Worship the Christ whose Sacrifice endears you to Me.  Do not reject His Love in times of tribulation, for it is through Him always that you are saved
.  Worship My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus always and revel in His GREAT Love for you!
Belovéd Children, this World is at war with Me, your Loving Lord God.  Pray, for this is an unnatural and evil state.  Pray and I shall mitigate the tribulations that come Pray and I hear your prayers.  Pray and I am with you always, protecting you from the dark one and his deceits.  Pray and Love Me.  Do not judge but live on the path of Christ.  Belovéd Children, I give you My Peace.  Peace is with you, Children.  I say peace.  Peace.