
By Linda

PictureFisher of men....

Monday, January 19, 2015 3:18 (my thoughts); 3:28 – 4:08

There is nothing but great joy in knowing God. I wish non-Catholics would become Catholics to the core of their hearts so they could really, really feel the incredible blessings and amazing "BIG" that fills the heart during Communion.  That’s a perfect name, because it feels in that moment that you have been graced by a brief Communion with God.  I feel it inside and out.  It is a thrill of joy.  

But what a waste – all the times in my past when I went to church and went up for Communion and never understood or knew the depth of the sacredness and holiness.  I read something funny in its truth, and I think You have warned us about this.  People are so blasé about taking Communion.  The treat it so lightly and don’t really bother to prepare their hearts for the grand celebration of it – the holiness and joy. BUT if onlyfive priests in the whole world could consecrate the bread and wine, how hard would we be clamoring and trying to attain that blessing because it would be so difficult and rare.  The writer also commented that sometimes people pay more homage to saints’ relics than to the Eucharist.  How crazy and sad is that as an observation, especially if he’s right.  Thank goodness You don’t get jealous of Your Saints, right?  What a fiasco.

3:28 pm.


Belovéd Children, praise My Name and that of My Son, 
the Most Holy and Blesséd Jesus Christ who reigns in the Hearts of Man.

Pray that His Light is lit in the Hearts of every single Child, 
that this World that betrays the God that has given it Life might know peace by its repentance.

Belovéd Children, I cannot bear to see 
the sins that bring spiritual welts and burns to your fragile souls.

I Love you, My Belovéd Children.
I have created each of you with Greatest Love for Love and to Love.
Reap the benefits of Love.
Its joys are unfathomable when you give your Heart to Love, to Me.

I am the Lord God who Loves you 
and I am made joyous by your Love for Me.

Worship My Belovéd Son, the Lord Christ.
He is your Merciful Savior.
He brings you peace and Greatest Blessings by His enormous Love.
His Heart for each of you is filled with Love, compassion, and hope.

How the Son of God Longs for the Love of this World.
He longs for each of you to call out to Him, 
to join Him, 
to answer His Own Loving Calls to you.

Be not afraid to answer His Call.
My Son, the Lord Christ, is compassionate and Merciful.
He forgives you your sins 
and embraces you with Greatest Love 
and with the relief of the shepherd who has found the lost sheep of His herd.

He is ever joyous when one who is so far from Love hears Love’s Call and answers with Love.

Oh Belovéd Children, Love your Brothers and Sisters 
that they will see the Love of the Christ 
and the Love of God the Father within your eyes, 
within your Hearts, and within your very souls.

They shall experience the clarity of your Love given to (you/them)
as a Greatest Blessing from your Lord God 
and their Hearts too will be touched and lit by Love.
They will experience Love and desire its peace.
So shall they begin to seek its wondrous origins.

Thus the Children of the World who did not know Me will seek Me out.  [BIGGEST!]

That is Beautiful, Father.  No wonder it’s so important to love others.

Be still, My Child.
Love, in and of itself, is a Blessing that must be shared with your Lord God 
and all those around you, 
the lost and those who know Me.

It is just as easy to despise one as the other.
You must Love for the sake of Love.
To please your Lord God who Loves you so dearly 
and longs for your purest and biggest Love.

We must all be in perfect union where Love is the center or the glue or what binds us.
Brothers and Sisters to Me and Me to you and you to your Brothers and Sisters. 
When you do not Love, our “Oneness” or our connection is disrupted.

[Also, the above message was a reprimand to me for starting to dislike a person who rubbed my personality the wrong way. That’s the reference to “it’s just as easy to despise people who are not religious as those who are religious.”  Basically He was telling me to knock it off.]

Therefore, follow the wishes of your Lord God and Father 
who Loves you unfathomably and without condition; 
who Loves you infinitely 
and with BIGGEST capacity or manner 
or ingredients or internals
(This is hard to explain.  It’s that the quality of His Love differs so…it’s refined, like fine chocolate).  

I say to you, My Children, 
Love Me with your whole Hearts, 
your entire being, 
with your entire selves.

Allow your Love for Me (to) transcend so your Love for Me becomes stronger.
Allow it to transcend what is normal or “just okay” 
by deepest prayer and spending much time in contemplation of My Love for you 
and of the Sacrifice of the Christ for you, 
being ever thankful for His great Mercy!

Thus, you must Love Me fully.

Then, look to your Brothers and Sisters, knowing the Peace I give to you as you Love Me 
and Love them unconditionally.
Love your Brothers and Sisters with an openness and fullness of Heart 
that permits your forgiveness without a taste of bitterness.

Love without jealousy, 
conversation without pride, 
joy with humility, 
and a genuine hope for their Love of Me.

Thus do you please your Lord God, My Beauteous Children.

How else can we please You, Father?  Can we do more besides Loving and no sinning?  .yes, I see, those two things alone will take me a lifetime.  Point taken. [We were sort of laughing because it was right in front of my nose.]

Believe in Me, Children.
Trust in Me with all of your Hearts.
Know that your Good and Loving Lord gives His Belovéd Children good gifts.

I desire My Children’s Love and wish all of Man (to) come to Me in repentance.

Belovéd Children, you must pray.
I say as I have said, pray harder.

Pray more often and longer.
Bring your Hearts to Me in still and quiet contemplation of My Love.
Tell Me about which consolations you are in need.
I console you.

You must pray, My Children.
Your fragile souls are made better by it or are healed by your prayers.

Your constant prayers save the lives of many who you do not know, 
nor can you guess at the numbers each of you has saved by your Love of Me 
and your devoted prayers to Me, your Belovéd Lord God and Father.

Would My Prayerful Children be surprised to hear thousands.              
[That’s per person!  Totally cool, right?!]
Thousands saved, aided by your prayers.

Believe Me, Children, when I say, prayer is powerful.
When you seek Me out, I listen and answer your call.

Belovéd Children, pray for the many who cater to the Worldliness.
They are stuck within the passing rewards of this World and do not see beyond them.
The gold and silver before their eyes blind them to the Love and the people of the World, 
to My Belovéd Children and this must not continue.

There are many who walk, fettered by eyes entranced by gold.
Pray for them lest they are crushed by the very gold they seek.

            It will fall upon them suddenly
            like an avalanche upon their heads.
            Gold will blind them to its evils and
            so they will be crushed by the very
            thing they loved.

Belovéd Children, so I say, pray.
I Love your prayers.

Bestow your Love and praise upon Me, your Lord God and Father, 
for I hear your Love and praise 
and I am made joyful by it.

Belovéd Children, I give you My Peace.
Peace, My Children.

Peace and pray.