You Are Precious to Me

By Linda

July 20, 2015

PictureMonday, July 20, 2015 3:20 -3:55 pm 

Created and Belovéd Children, do not wander from My Great Love.  You cannot live without Love and I am Love.  Do not stray, Belovéd Children, for it wounds your souls to grow away from the Lord God who Loves you to no end.  Belovéd Children, you are Mine, just as the stars and oceans and suns.  I am ALL and everything and have always been and will always BE.  Come to Me Children, not from fear but by Love’s call.  Come to Me and know the graces and Mercy I give to My Belovéd Children.  I always wait for you and My Heart leaps with Greatest Joys and “happinesses” to have but one Child come to Me with Love.

Children, you are so very Precious to Me.  I made you from Love, for Love, and with Greatest Love.  Know this to be true. Recognize this always and acknowledge your enduring place in My unyielding Heart.  Pray to Me, Belovéd Children, and I hear your every breath.  You are My Disciples and as such belong to Me.  Love Me, My Children, and always pray.  When you are in sadness, I hold your hands and bid you to pray to Me, your Lord God and Father.  

I am here, for you individually.  You are My Precious Child and I do not deceive you, nor do I throw you down into ashes of despair or loneliness.  I am Love and I bring My Children good gifts.  I pour out My Mercy for My Belovéd Children and wait with a BIG HOPE in My Divine Heart that each of you will claim this Blessing I give to you.  It is born from My Belovéd Son and given to you by Great Love.

Children, do not wound Me and do not grow bewildered by this World which you have chosen (that we have created). Undo your loyalties or ties or submission to all that is Worldly and turn to Me, your Loving Lord God and Father. Recognize the Passion of the Christ and know He does not rest in repose, for this World is filled with sin and His Heart fills with wonder, fear for you, all of you – and with a VERY GREAT desire to give each of you His Mercy.  Oh Belovéd Children, you wound Me/Us.  [I saw the Cross with Christ upon it – very briefly.] 

Lay down the arms you have taken against your Lord God who Loves you and come to Me in repentance and joy.  Love Me, your Lord God and Father.  Worship with all of your Hearts My Belovéd Son who is so Belovéd to Me.  Give over your will to Him and know greatest joys and great peace.  Rest your troubled brows upon the Shoulder of Peace.  I am your Lord God and My Belovéd Son is your Saving Grace and bewildering or astonishing or incomprehensibly amazing King. He is the King of the Heavens and the earths.  He is all-Loving and all-Powerful.  My Son is filled with My Glory and so I say, worship the Christ with all that you are.

Belovéd Children, do not lapse in your attention or commitment or affection for Me.  It wounds Me so and places your fragile souls in grave or great peril.  I am with you always.  Come to Me with your Love.  Love Me, your Lord God and Father who desires you so immediately.

Random Children, you are not random or lost to Me, your Holy and Eternal Father.  I have created you with Perfect Love in My Heart and thus, you are Precious and important and invaluable to Me.  You do not live in solitude, but that I am with you, always calling to you in your loneliness.  Step away from those shadows and darknesses that have taken your breath away.  Know, My Children, that I see your Hearts and when you Love, your Hearts are like brilliant orbs of light and you are made well in your Souls.

Cherished Children, be always ready, for you know not or will know not when the Lord God chooses to end all savagery and pain and darknesses.  You do not know what I shall bring and shall not bring.  I bring the Love of Mankind and bear it upon My Shoulders.  The World is in a heavy state and must repent while there is Time.  Belovéd Children, you are in Life now but you will not or cannot know when I shall call you.  Thus, prepare your Hearts for your given day.

Belovéd Children, do not be afraid.  Be attentive to your Lord God.  Know what I Love and I will not accept.  Be firm in your faith and trust in Me.  Look with joy on the day I call to you.  I do not seek to estrange Myself from My Children with fear.  Thus, I say, come to Me with(Love) and for Love and do not be afraid.  Your attentiveness to and Love for Me ensures you a warm place in My Most Glorious Heart.  Wondering Children, do not guess or play an old lady’s game orfortune tell.  I am not tested and My Laws are not mocked.  Belovéd Children, take Me seriously.  

Place highest value on your devotion to Me and lay aside the worthless and unhelping trappings of this World.  Do not work so hard for money as you should in worshipping your Lord God and Father.  When you do this, your Souls are in very imperfect order.  I am the One True God.  Believe in Me and do not grow distracted by the precarious follies and sins within this World.  

Look to your selves and see the sin in your own Hearts and do not judge your Brothers and Sisters.  Instead, cease your sinning and embrace your Brothers and Sisters with the same Love I give to you.  One that is BIG, unconditional, solemn, joyous, and endless.  Belovéd Children, I treat you as you treat your Brothers and Sisters.  I treat you as you treat Me, your Loving Father.  Call Me but once and I am ready to embrace you without question and so ready and anxious to draw from my Love of you all of Mercy.  Let Me pour out My Love and Mercy upon you and you shall know everlasting Love and Life.

Belovéd Children, I bid you peace this day and every day.  Be kind to your Brothers, Children, for you break My Heart to do otherwise.  Peace, My Children.  Peace.  Peace.