Feigned Piousness

By Linda

June 23, 2015

PictureTuesday, June 23, 2015 3:28 – 3:57

Bungee cords and duck tape, please.  I feel Your Love all around me and I thank You for making zebras, roadrunners, and quail…and making baby chicks furry.

Belovéd Children, I am ever with you, Loving you and hoping that you will call out to Me, your Lord God, that you may be fulfilled by My Love and your awareness of Me.  Do not turn your backs on Me Children.  I am the Lord God and My Love is so BIG.  It deserves your reciprocity and I yearn for your Love, My Children.  Do not betray Me.  Do not wound Me by keeping your Love from Me.  I long for you, My Children, and want you near Me and for eternal life.

Belovéd Children, your souls are in danger but you do not or few take Me serious in this.  Do My Children respond to disasters and calamity only?  Do you wait until you are confident of My Wrath or trouble or infernal trouble?  Belovéd Children, trust in Me.  Your lack of Love and attentiveness to Me wounds Me deeply and your souls suffer in darkness. Do not seek or wish for proof or do not seek to test the Lord God.  I am your Provider, your Just Lord, and your Loving Father.  Why do you doubt My Love, My Children.  Take the Love and Mercy I offer to you, for it is yours.  It was always yours and will always be yours.  Thus, come to Me in humbleness and with mournful Hearts and I forgive you all of your iniquities.

Belovéd Children, I give good gifts to My Children. Do not think unkindly of Me, for I am your Lord God and Father and how your disregard and disliking of Me devastates My Heart.  The whole of Heaven turns away from Mankind in despair.  Love Me, your Lord God.  I give you no burdens to carry and My Love gives you a joyousness unlike on you have known.  Belovéd Children, Love and Respect My Son.  He is abused by this World and wounded by it.  Children, the Christ is your Eternal King.  Glorify Him justly as His Sacrifice has Saved all Men.  Do not turn your back to the Christ.

I am a Merciful God and a just God.  I long to give you My Great Love and Mercies but you ignore My Calls and reject My Gifts.  Do not make the mistake of believing I offer no justice with My Children, for I do.  You are so close to peril My Belovéd Children, and even as I send My Humble Prophets to you, you do not listen and mock My Belovéd Servants. Belovéd Children, does the thief escape from his crimes?  Is the murder set free?  No, and because I am a Just God, those who betray My Belovéd Son, the Christ and turn their backs to Him and reject His Love and Mercy, so shall you be treated in My Home.  My doors shall be locked against you and I will not know your name.  This devastates My Heart but there is no sin or darknesses in My Kingdom.

My Belovéds, do not be judgmental of each other.  I see your kindnesses and I see the iniquities you imbibe in or enjoy. Do not judge, My Children.  That is for your Lord God only and I say, which of you is worthy to judge your Brothers and Sisters.  Do not feign piousness.  The (Priests) were pious in their own minds and trampled upon those I Loved dearly with their feigned piousness.  So I say, do not pretend at Loving Me, but Love Me with all of your Hearts and all of your Being.  Call out to your Brothers and Sisters that they may join you in your worship of My Belovéd Son, the Christ. Reach out and beckon those who are ignorant of My Great Love and show them My Light and Love.  To do this is a great joy.

Belovéd Children, illness or a cancer or something destructive comes to this World and your eyes cannot see it yet and you cannot taste it yet, and you cannot hear it yet.  It comes and there are those who doubt and those who are unaware.  Guard your Hearts, Belovéd Children.  Many will try to lead My Children astray and so many will fall into this dark trap and it will bring suffering and pain.  Thus, pray for this World and the Creations upon it.  Pray for discernment and the tenacity of My Strength.  Turn to Me and know everlasting or Eternal Life.  

Look to Me in all things and I will not lead you to calamity but to joy and peace.  Place all of your trust in Me and you shall see the Glory of My Presence.  Trust in Me, My Belovéd Children, for I do not fail the Children I have created and Love.  Belovéd Children, pray and know Me.  I hear your prayers and I am moved by them.  Do not doubt but trust in your Lord God.  Love Me with your whole Hearts or with the entirety of your Heart.  Bring Me joy and know that My Love for you in unconditional, sweet, and BIG.  Belovéd Children, I give you My Peace this day.