Heed My Calls, Children

By Linda

May 14, 2015


Thursday, May 14, 2015 3:17 – 4:03

Praise His Name, for He is the Christ!

My Belovéd Son saves you and by His BIGGEST Sacrifice, 
you are given His Light and Love.

Love the Christ, My Belovéd Son.
For you are all His Children.
You are His Belovéd Brethren.

The Christ saves and like His Belovéd Father, 
calls out to each of you, My Children.

Hear the Call of the Lamb of God, 
for He saves you from Eternal Hells.

Belovéd Children, praise My Son with the entirety of your Hearts and/or Souls.
Know He and/or I, We are with you always.  [That is, in Unity – One, and as the Father and Christ.]

Just as the lambs are led by the shepherd, so shall you be led by Christ, Jesus.

Follow Lovingly My Son, 
for He is the door to the Kingdom of all Living things.  
Come through My Son with the passion of Greatest Love 
and you shall see the Face of God.

I am the Father, your Lord God who Loves you.
Hear My Call, for I am anxious for your Love.

Belovéd Children, know that I am ever with you 
and long for your Hearts to take notice of My BIG Love.
Let your Lord God and Father fill your Hearts with My Love, 
for it is Eternal and Blesséd and perfect. 

I am Love, My Children.
By your Love for Me, I am made joyous.

Live for Me, My Belovéd Children.
Live for your Lord Christ, My Belovéd Son.
Heed Our calls and join the book of the Holy. (?)

Come to Me and see all that is good.
Come to your Lord God, the Christ 
and worship My Belovéd Son with “ultimate-ness” or entirety or full ending or conclusion of your Hearts.
Be at One with Me, your Lord God who Loves you so dearly.

My Children, do not wait idly as Time passes.
Do not use your Time frivolously.

I call on each of you to pray.
Pray “BIGLY” and often 
and praise the Name of My Son, the Christ.
For when you praise the Son, you praise the Father.

Belovéd Children, there is a knock upon the doors to your souls.
Pray, My Belovéds 
and answer your doors to Me.          [and no one else]

Belovéd Children, it is because My Love for you is so GREAT and inexhaustible, 
that I stand waiting for you still.

Such prayers I am sent from the lips of My Belovéd Children.
I Love your prayers.

Pray and mitigate that which comes.

Pray and I grant mercy, My Compassion and Loving Mercy to you.

Pray and understand the Light of Eternity.
Know what I accept and do not accept.

Pray, My Belovéd Children, for discernment 
and your eyes shall be open to the trickeries of darknesses.

Pray, My Belovéd Children, 
and you will discern blackness from whiteness in their purest forms.

Belovéd Children, pray.

It is because I Love and treasure you that I say, 
the Time for folly has passed.

The Loving Parent does not allow his children to roam freely.
The Loving Parent does not allow his Belovéd Children to stray from Home.
The Loving Parent, your Lord God and Father 
calls out to the Children who have wandered or who are wandering from My Heavenly Home.

I chastise those who will not know the very Father and God who has created them 
and all things above and below this earth 
and the lifesprings(?) you see.

Your Loving Father calls out to you.

Hear My Calls, Belovéd Children.
Why should you reject Love in its purest, most grand or BEAUTIFUL (BIG) form?

For I am Love and have always and will always be.

I am the Lord God, your Father.
I express My Love gently and loudly.
I send the Spirit to touch each of you.

I Long for each of you to know the thoroughness or completeness or wholeness of My Love.

Before you are with Me,
before you know Me and answer My Calls, 
you are incomplete.

You are not whole when you are not for your Lord God.

When you turn your backs to the Christ, I warn you.
He is not to be ignored 
but to be Loved and worshipped 
with Great faith and intensity.

Belovéd Children, I see all of your sins 
and I do not and will not reject you.

Do not reject Love.
Do not reject My Love.
Do not reject Me.
When you have cast yourselves away from Me 
and deny Me and My Love, 
surely you will fall into the hellaciousness of darknesses. [underlined means violent or powerful]

Belovéd Children, I do not lie.
There is a split,
and Hell is real.  [That is to say, there is a difference between Heaven & Hell & they both exist.]

Heaven is joy 
and Hell is without faith.

Heaven is full Love.

Hell has no Love and no Light, 
for the Light of God is extinguished to those who die,     [die the eternal death]
those who fall into the fearsome and lonely pits.

I am not with you        [if you go to hell]
and My un-Love is the BIGGEST hardship or tragedy or Heart wrench of all.

Thus bear the consequences of your rejection.
Where you do not Love Me, 
you cannot survive 
nor will you enjoy everlasting life within the Kingdom of Heaven.

You are contained in an eternity of darkness.

Children, believe Me when I say, 
there are so many, many of My Children who are suffering 
in the fringes of the dark and evil pit.

Come away from the darkness and accept My Love.
I call out to you.
Hear My Calls.

You must have or know that My Children are given correction that I may glean souls and more still.
Why do you desire disasters and calamity
to open the eyes I have given you?                 [Spiritual sight/eyes]
Why are you blind to My Love 
but can see all that is dark?                 [See it and crave all that is dark.]

Belovéd Children, do not waste your Time on all things temporal.
When there is no oil in the lamp, 
there is no Light.

Just as when you have lived this life to its end, 
you will have no Life if you are away from Me.

Do not live in darkness, My Loves.
Know that I am with you always 
and call out your name 
and wait anxiously for your reply.

Belovéd Children, pray for this spinning, fire-bound World.     [This kind of describes a vision I saw in 2012]

Pray for peace in the Hearts of All Men.

Your prayer is powerful, 
such that you can bring a mountain down to rocks 
if you call on Me, 
your Lord God.

Do not mistake prayer for weakness, for it is not.
It is the greatest Sword in your sheathes.

Belovéd Children, come away from darkness 
and strip yourselves of the fires of hell that look for you.      [Actively, it seems….]

Belovéd Children, I am the One True God.
Believe in Me 
and Live a new Life.

This is only the beginning or tip of My Love.
Let the joy of unfettered Love be your goal for this life.
Set your eyes upon the Heart of Jesus, the Christ 
and know truest purest Love.

Belovéd Children, do not be afraid of what comes.
You are My Prayerful Ones 
and I answer your calls of desperation.

I say to you, Children, do not fear, 
for I am with you in the darkest hours.
Remain faithful to your Lord God.

Pray so you may have discernment in the face of every evil.
Pray and you shall not be fooled 
by the sophists who lie 
and the lies of the un-Holy one.

Belovéd Children, I am your Lord God.
Worship Me and Love Me.
Worship and Love My Belovéd Son 
and do not be afraid.

Your Love and prayer are a solid shield of protection 
for your small or weak souls.            [Wow – this totally underlines how unprepared we are]
I protect you thus.

Heed My Calls, Children.
You can not live in two places or two Worlds at one Time.
You seek only the temporal vestitures of life 
or you crave the Eternal and endless life of joy and Love 
and knowledge of your Lord God.

Pray, My Dearest Children, 
for you know not the calibre of chaos that comes.

The Hare is unnatural 
and you shall see and understand the “punishment” or reminder (milder) 
placed upon your heads and Hearts, 
that those who are blinded will see.

And those who are deaf will hear.
And those who are mute will speak in My Favor, 
for I am the Holy One.

Belovéd Children, heed My Calls.
Heed those of the Most Gentle Mother 
who serves Me as a great intercessor for you.

Learn to Love the Christ, 
for it is through Him that she intercedes 
and I hear all prayers.

Belovéd Children, I say pray 
and be blessed by the rewards of your faithful and constant prayer.

Belovéd Children, I give you Peace this day.
Peace, My Belovéds.   Peace.