Children, Make Use of This Time

By Linda

June 21, 2017

Wednesday, June 21, 2017 3:12 – 3:57 pm  

I still am having this great uneasiness.  It makes me shake with dread.  There is no reason for it.  Father, what is this that bothers me so much?  I see all the wind whipping up the trees and I wonder.  Please, Father, if I am not to wonder, please yank the inclination out of my head.

Belovéd Child, do not let your Heart be troubled, for I am with you and you are embraced in My Loving arms of Mercy.  Child, you must go to confession and take the blessing of My Belovéd Son, lest your Soul becomes weak of this World.  These are the days when you must be strong and hold tightly and believe readily in My Absolute Love for you.  You must be or receive your Holy and Blesséd nourishment.  Do not thirst.  Drink of the sweet Waters of Everlasting Life.

Father, I feel so tired and weak.  Why?

Belovéd Child, you are lacking spiritual nourishment and thus, your body cries out to you.  Know this to be true, My Love, you cannot afford to miss any opportunity to partake of the Eucharist.  It is true Life.  It is the body of My Belovéd Son who has saved you and all others.  You must go to Communion, for it puts you into a Holy Communion with My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus.  You suffer without His nourishment.  You thirst.  Thus, this is what happens when your Soul is kept from Me.

Belovéd Children, make use of this Time I give to you.  Pray and forgive those you least want to forgive.  Love, especially those you least wish to forgive.  The Mercies I extend to you for your act of Love and Forgiveness are HUGE.  Belovéd Children, do not be afraid.  I am with you always and I lead you away from the storm.  I am your shelter and guide.  I hold the winds back and keep the cold from creeping through the walls

Know what I accept and what I do not accept.  I Love My Belovéd Children, but know this.  My Laws are not mocked.  I shall not abide by the competition of your idols within this World.  I will not abide by the lies that are told that harm My Children.  I do not abide by sin.  Those who come to Me, your Lord God and Loving Father, seeking My Forgiveness will have it most readily, for I am Love and I am Merciful and I Love all of My Belovéd Children.  Is asking for Mercy so hard for My Children that you would rather disbelieve in Love than to seek Me out?  Woe are those who prosper in this World without praising Me for their gifts.  Woe is the man who plows into darknesses openly and willingly.  So shall they know the horrors of hell.

I do not wish to frighten My Belovéd Children.  Indeed, those who Love Me and hold tightly to My Love know I shall not hand them over to the dark one.  You are My Comfort and My Loves.  Pray, My Sweet Children, for those who march happily, ignorantly on the path to exile, to perdition, and to the horrors of hell.

Father, how does Eternity feel?

It is an endlessness you cannot yet understand.  It is a peaceful, ever-moment.  When you are with Me, Eternity is more than an ever-moment in peace.  It is a JOY filled with BIGGEST LOVE.

Know this to be true, My Children, that there are masses of people readying themselves for hell.  It hurts you, My Child, to hear this said, but I do not mean to make you fearful, only to show you why you must pray so very much.  The Souls who die over or in the next nine months are unready for their judgement.  Thus, you must pray for all peoples.  Those you know and those you do not.

Children, live by My Holy Word.  Praise the Christ Jesus, My Most Belovéd, with gentle and Loving words, with great diligence and with reverence.  He is truth and Light within this darkening World.  Do not waste your time doubting orarguing about Me.  Share My Great Love with others even if they are made angry.  This is simply a sign that you have antagonized the fallen one, and you have touched a Soul with Love.  My Love.

Children, the earth is afire and you have yet to see the smoke or feel the flames or the heat of the flames.  Do not wonder but pray.  Be obedient and Loving Children, for it is Time for Me to reap what has been sown.  Do not use your time analyzing Love, for Love, My Love is immeasurable, constant, overwhelming and full!  No measure exists to quantify or explain Love.  So I say to you, Belovéd Children, do not take what Time you have for granted.  Make Me foremost as you will be Blessed in My Eyes.

Pray, Belovéds, you are given so many opportunities to pray and so many Loving and deep prayers.  Oh, Children, do not ignore My Calls.  I am the Lord God and Father and whosoever shall obey Me is sought in favor of Love.  Those who turn to My Most Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus have already given their Hearts to Me, for when you Love the Son, you Love the Father.  When you disrespect the Love and Sacrifice of the Son, so do you disrespect the Father, and it is this that brings Me to anger.

Do not take His Sacrifice that gives New Life for granted.  My Children must Love their Lord God and Father.  My Children shall respect, revere, and dote upon the Christ Jesus in order to have a miniscule chance of walking through My Heavenly Kingdom.  [He has very high standards for us, and, as he was saying how we should respect Jesus, He said this with such indulging love – like a bear hug.]

Children, I see all that is within you.  I see when you lie and when, in your own mind, you judge the least of your brethren.  Just as you deny them, so shall I deny you.  When you turn away in disgust from those you should Love, you turn away from Jesus.  And when you embrace the lowest and seek to raise him with your Love and charity, know that I see this and rejoice in your goodness.  Your Light I placed within you rings true and brightens.

Belovéd Children, what must I say for you to believe?  Even My Beauteous Children waste Time fussing about the things of this World which are shallow pools against a grand ocean.  Children, the darkest one will go on his rampage now, so he will capture many Souls.  Pray.  Pray and prevent his success.  Trust in Me in all things and rely on Me.  I hear your prayers and answer them with the gifts that best fit and were made just for you.

Children, pray.  Forgive.  Do not judge.  Love Me.  Love your Brothers and Sisters.  Partake of the Most Holy of Holies and nourish your Souls, but go to My Belovéd Son cleaned and immersed in the Holy Water of Confession.
Child, know Time is short.  I might not be today or tomorrow or next year.  It may not come for fifty years or sixty.  Still, you must prepare, for when you die, you are also then judged.

Belovéd Children, pray.  Pray now and at every moment of your Life.  When you think of Me even a little, My Gaze is upon you and My (Love) is Extended GREATLY to you.  I am with you always, Children.  Love and pray.  Amen.