Your Prayers Sooth My Heart

By Linda

June 20, 2017

Tuesday, June 20, 2017 3:56 – 4:23 at Adoration

Father, I am filled with an anxiety I don’t understand.  What is happening?  I am anxious, so I came to see You and pray.

Belovéd Child, surely this World sins and by its own hands strangles itself into perdition.  Belovéd Child, you are My Belovéd girl.  You are so beautiful, a beacon of Brightness within My Holy Eyes.  Ask Me, My Belovéd Children, whether you are special to your Most Loving Father, and I shall tell you My Love for you is limitless.  It knows no bounds, and if you were to ask Me why I Love you, and I shall say orrespond quickly, readily, because you are of Me.  You have been made by Love for Love and with GREAT LOVE.  I will tell you with great ardor how I Love your toes and the way you walk when you are tired.  I will describe to you the number of eyelashes you have lost and that you have today.  I shall describe to you the beauty I hear in your voice and in your breath that I have breathed into you.

Oh, Children, know with the fullness of your Hearts, that your Most Loving Father and Lord God Loves you incalculably and without condition.  I am your Loving Father, and I wish to draw all of My Belovéd Children to Me.  Believe in Me, My Little Ones.  Your prayers sooth My Heart that sin has so insulted.  The sins of this World are very terrible.  The very earth cannot sustain itself and it shall purge itself of these darknesses.

Children, do not stand idly by those who refuse My Love.  If you are ridiculed or show anger as (a) response because you speak My Name and describe My Love, know that you shall be blessed.  The words of the doubtful and the replies of those who fail to believe will not touch your ears, for you work in My Holy Name.  Those who would repose or dispose of Me of Me will taste what it is to be in utter darknesses.  For My Children cannot dismiss My Love and expect a reward for their absence.  My Children cannot sin so freely and without regard to the wounds they cause to the Heart of My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus and expect a rejoicing of Heaven.  My Children cannot expect that I shall know them when the final hour comes.  Prideful Children, put down your arrogance and pride, for these things keep you from seeing Me, your Lord God and Creator or Maker.  
[I was a bit confused by repose/dispose.  My understanding is that it's equivalent to easily setting God aside – without care or thought.]

You assume I shall be a kind judge of those who do not repent of their sins.  Humanity, in all its indulgences, mistakes Me for that which is imperfect and Worldly.  Belovéd Children, I am outside of understanding and you cannot see orknow what I am.  Even before Me, you shall be struck by My Immense Love for you.

Oh, Little Children, do you not see in your littleness the dangers that wait for you?  The Fallen One himself puts all that is dark within this World and seeks, with such envy, the possession of Souls.  He longs to pull each one into the pit that is hell and when My Belovéds sin without sorrow and acknowledgement, surely they shall fall.   [He is very sad about this; regretful.]

Children, your Time for indulgence and play has passed.  It is now Time to pray and shelter yourselves by coming into My waiting arms before the storm strikes.  When you are not prepared or those who are not prepared shall be swept up and thrown from the skies above.  Oh, Belovéd Children, your arrogance and curiosity damn you.  Do not wonder at the furies or disasters or lights of understanding I send to you.  Do not be curious of destruction and death or pain.  Those who will question will experience the fury that you would not know otherwise.

Children, I am a Loving God and possessive.  I do not wish to share your affections and attention with this World that so betrays.  I am a just judge in My Love for you.  Even because I Love each of you so dearly, so very dearly, this does not free you from consequence.  Your Love for Me is a choice.  Your doubt and disbelief of Me is your choice.  Your dismissal of Me and My Most Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus is your choice.  Thus is sin your choice as well.

When animals thirst, instinctively they go to find water, and having found it, they drink deeply and without doubt.  When Man thirsts, you do not seek out the Blesséd water that saves.  You do not drink and you doubt all that is placed before you.  As a result of your doubt, you shall die of your thirst and become dust.

Children, partake in the gift My Son has given to you, that is His very Life.  His Precious blood is spilled for you and His body ravaged that you may have ever-lasting Life.  Do not shun this gift of Salvation.  Do not place the gall of Heaven upon your head for your disregard and disrespect or “un-reverence” (of) His Belovéd and Sacred Heart.  The wounds your sins have caused are painful to the Christ Jesus, and what puts Him in pain puts its pain in Me as well.  And when He is dismissed and disregarded, so you disregard His Incredulous or wondering Father.  
[Our behavior is so terrible that God is incredulous by our sins.  Abashed by them.]

When you pierce the Heart of the Son, so you pierce the Heart of the Father.  Thus, My Children, I say turn away from sin and turn to Me for forgiveness, truth, and Love.  I give new Life to those who would seek Me out.  Do not fear, My Love, My Children.  Fear perdition and the road of sin that takes you there.  Stay safely ensconced in My Loving Embrace, and the joy that exists within Me swells BIG.  Belovéd Children, so I shall say again with great emphasis, pray.  Pray and partake of the Most Holy Eucharist.  To do so will give you Life.  To ignore these is to bring darknesses down upon you.  Belovéd Children, pray and I hear your prayers.  I answer each of you with such BIG GREAT Love.  Thus, pray My Children.  Pray.