✞ The story of ‘why’.
3:37 – 4:14 pm @ Adoration
[I received an email from "E.R." Take heart. God doesn't want us to be confused or fearful. He wants us to pray. I am praying for you. God bless everyone, and please share these messages. It is now imperative.]
Belovéd Child, pray. Pray as you do today and encourage others to keep in the company of My Most Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, whom I Love and who I say to this World, Love. Love My Son and beg for forgiveness. His Heart and Love for you is SO LARGE, He will give you all His Compassion and Mercy. He will forgive as I forgive and you shall go forth anew.
Belovéd Children, do not let this Time go to waste. I Love each of you so well, and yet the entirety of the World sins against Me most heinously. Children, hear Me and know this to be true. There are consequences for sin. There are consequences. How must I explain these things to you?
Oh, Children of My unyielding Heart, I Love each of you so well. You cannot fathom the depths. My Love is a well that never runs dry and the water I give to you quenches your thirst and gives you New Life. Children, drink of My well. Answer My Love for you with Love. Worship and adore the Christ Jesus and know that you have My Heart swell with Love.
Dearest Children, the World shall awaken. It must awaken. It is in perilous circumstances or it is putting itself in great peril. Children, I do not say this to confuse you or to cause you fear. Trust in Me, your Loving Father and Lord God. Trust in Me fully and let your fears fall away.
My Belovéd Children, you are so small and beautiful and so treasured. Each of you is precious to Me and I cannot be idle as the World places itself in jeopardy of hell. Would you abandon your children that they may walk over a cliff to perish? You do not. You cling to them and do all that you can to bring them away from the dangers of its edge. Thus is My Heart willing to pull My Belovéd Children away from the edge of hell. Know this to be true. The pit of hell is real. Please, Children, do not doubt this. You were made for Love, by Love and through Love. You are meant to spend Eternal Life with Love; not within the despondent fires of hell.
Oh, Belovéd Children, understand this. My Love for you is a parent’s Love. I seek your Love and protect you with My Heart and actions. Do not fear what comes, but stay close to your Loving Father. My Children know and have known for so many years that the sins of this World must cease, yet too many of My Belovéd Children prefer to ride upon the tail of the beast. Children, pray for these Souls who are on the cusp of demise and eternal pains.
Belovéd Children, truth is often painful, but like a confession spoken, once faced, the Heart is cleaned, light, and wiser. Belovéd Child/Children, you often pray for discernment and miss the truths I send. Pray and take your Hearts to Me. Pray and I answer. Belovéd Children, I give good gifts and answer your every prayer. When you are most afraid, call on Me, and I shall give you courage. The Holy Spirit will descend upon you, and you shall know black and white, and what is truly white and what is truly black.
Belovéd Ones, look to My Belovéd Servants. Pray for all of them for several have lost their Hearts or lost their way, and they must find their way back to their Holy and Beatific Master.
Oh, Children, I give to you Love and compassion. I Long for you to reciprocate My Love and I am Most BIGLY joyful when a Belovéd Child calls out to Me for Love and forgiveness. Children, I turn no one away. Even now as darkness descends upon this World and its sins are BIG OUTRAGEOUS and HURTFUL, My Loving Heart is open to you. To each of you. My Heart is open when My Children come to Me. I shall Light a Light within many and their Souls will weep in horror and in joy. [For what we see that is bad and what is good; what hurts God and what makes Him happy.] Seek the truths of My Great Love. Believe in the fragility of your Souls and admit or see or understand the darknesses sin causes upon it. I shall open your eyes to the blackness that has prevailed in so many of My Belovéd Children.
Oh, Belovéd Children, I do not wish to scare you and do not see this that I will do as punishment, for it is not. It is a correction for My Belovéd Children. It is I, pulling My Belovéd Children away from peril. Do you see that My Love is so GREAT that I shall avail nothing to keep you safely ensconced in Eternal Life. Belovéd Children, do you doubt the extent of My Love for each of you? Belovéd Children, if you doubt My Love, look to the Crucifixion and know I sent My Son to be brutally treated, because of My GREAT Love for you. What is harder than seeing your Children in pain but to lose them all together.
Children, know this to be true. You do not have Time to waste. You must be prayerful. Ready yourselves with prayer and understanding of what I accept and what I do not accept, and partake of the Holiest of Holies, My Christ Jesus within the Eucharist. Go often and be in complete Communion with Love, for so very soon, you shall lose this blessing and it will be scarce.
Children, know that I am ever with you. I speak to you plainly. Come to Me now. Pray and understand My Heart. I do give to you the courage and strength to sustain yourselves and others. Everything you have in this World is directly given by My Hand.
Children, you shall see the full extent of the World’s sins as nature regurgitates or erupts with sickness. The World will crack and the seas shall storm. Fire shall rain from the skies and whole cities swept away. You are My Children, and I do not destroy what I Love so well, but provide instances or pieces of Life that will lead all of you back to your Lord God and Father. Believe this to be true. The storm comes and it devastates so many. Chaos will arise, as My Belovéd Children give into fear. Seek Me out through fervent prayers and I shall give you wisdom or discernment, strength, and sustenance that you will lead My confused Children to Me.
Belovéd Children, I am so fully in Love with each of you. Know that My Gentle eyes watch over you and you shall be happily joined with Me because of your fervent prayers. Trust in Me. Trust in the full Love and Mercy of My Belovéd Son. Look to the Spirit who opens your eyes, and know I give to each of you peace. Peace.