✞ The story of ‘why’.
At a time when a news bulletin showed unprecedented numbers of whales washed up and dying on the beaches, Jesus remarked; "It is due to the experimentation and tests which are being carried out by man that great numbers of birds are falling from the sky and fish and mammals are being washed up on your shores. People should realise that God permits this to show people that the same will happen to them. Those who bring about these abnormalities in creation are not of Me. The wind that you hear is not your imagination but the sound of the battle between the principalities. (On a number of occasions in recent times Christina would have clearly heard the sound of strong and violent blasts of wind but with no earthly explanation - just as she did not originally understand when she first heard the crackling and scraping noises of the earth's plates before a major earthquake would occur.)
The growling sound that you have previously heard is of him who roams the earth to devour all in his path.
There will be an enormous multiplication of evil coming to the world 'in the next moon and half moon', though hidden from the world." I could then see many devils rise out of hell (Jesus explained to Christina the evil purpose behind the dispatch of these devils).
"O you people of the world, how blind and foolish you are to let your salvation be robbed from you!"
"The red planet is burning". (Christina was totally unaware and only discovered later that 'the red planet' refers to Mars which is also synonymous with 'war.')
Then I could hear a voice calling, "Trouble, trouble unto the earth!"
I could then see a long, white table with many men dressed in robes of white having a debate about the times we are in and about the times to come. Jesus was listening to the debate at first. Then He took a seat with them. I could hear them say, "O you of Babylon!" They were talking about the present-day Pharisees upon the earth and they were in conversation about what to do next. They said, "The world has become like the 'whore of Babylon'". ('Babylon' is used in the Bible as a way of referring to the kingdom of antiChrist and of paganism- it persecutes the followers of Christ. It is cruel, greedy and controlling. The 'whore' of Babylon' is explained in the Bible as representing 'the great city' which seduces the leaders of the world and their followers with its wealth, power and immorality.)
Jesus said,
"Much will be revealed to the innocent and little ones of the earth. Those who are united in My priesthood and in the victimhood of My life should be active in the work of salvation while there is still time."
I could see many people dressed in white walking around peaceful but restless because they know what is coming to the earth. Jesus said, "The seals are being broken one by one, leading to the seal that only the Lamb can open".
(As far back as January 1991, Jesus,in a message to Christina said, "…Tell all humanity about the seven seals of God! Tell all humanity!")
I could see a number of large white jugs about 4 feet tall around and not far from the table where the meeting was taking place but I was not made aware of their meaning. (Unknown to Christina, a central part of the Apocalypse as witnessed by St. John are the seven vessels or vials which the seven angels prepare to pour unto the earth upon the followers of antiChrist, containing the judge-ments of God, the seven last plagues.)
I could hear a voice call out the names of about 15 saints. The only ones among them all that I recognised were, Catherine of Siena, Teresa of Avila, and Padre Pio. Jesus said there were many little ones that He and His Mother had called to help and to enlighten the world and to whom He had even manifested Himself to show the truth of His call and that of His Mother - only to be denied by the Church and hidden from the world.
I was then shown a clock with the time at one minute to twelve. Then I could see an army marching and preparing for war.
I then mentioned to Jesus some people who had helped with the work. Jesus said that He had inspired them to help. "Blessed are they for their rewards will be great."
Jesus then said,
"The Word was made flesh for the salvation of the world. The Lamb of God is forever harboured in the Immaculate Heart of Mary" (I was inwardly made aware this meant Our Lady in Her Heart never ceases to offer the victimhood of Jesus for the salvation of the world.)
Jesus then referred to a torment which the devil had been inflicting on Christina over a number of months. All of a sudden the devil's interference ceased when Christina began offering it directly to God to plead for the saving of souls. Jesus remarked to her, "You see how quickly it stopped when you offered it for souls. This made the devil angry as souls were snatched from him."
Jesus then said,
"Never be oppressed and never be alone."
Christina then asked Our Lord if the extra cameras recently placed around her house and car were necessary?
Jesus replied, "Yes, and more should be added but understand it as only a deterrent - your life was in danger, your life is in danger and your life will always be in danger.”
Our Blessed Lady then spoke to Christina;
"God is deeply offended by people. He is going to be much more deeply offended in the time to come. ....................... ...................................
The crown worn by Our Lady was then raised above Her head revealing what looked like an encrustment of glittering diamonds which covered the centre of Her head and was shaped like a skullcap. It seemed to hold in place that part of Her mantle which rested on the top of Her head - a cream mantle with a beautiful glistening gold band trimming it. Her dress was white and the Sacred Host was glowing light. She said,
"Yes, the fruitfulness of My womb I brought forth for the redemption of the world, Our Saviour. God desires that there be much reparation as we enter the final phase of the End-Times: we are now in the advanced stages of the End Times. That is why I desire to console you. Now you must trust. Trust My Divine Son Jesus. I am your Mother and I am here with you.You can see Me. I am the Mother of Jesus. I am the Mother of the children of the world. I am the Mother of the Eucharist. Tell all My children to love Him in the Eucharist and in their hearts each day. Live by the law of God. Always live in truth, love and unity. Always know the love in the Heart of God for each one of you through the divinity of His Son. Know that all that separates us is the Veil- the Veil that shadows in life but yet when God permits the Veil to become "see-through" -which is like the "thinning of the Veil"- for the few, for the little ones of the world, they can see, so that they can have courage for the trials and tribulations that they endure. Many of the little of My Heart -My Motherly, Immaculate Heart- that serve and love the Lamb of God, the Word made Flesh- they saw and heard and now they are denied. The Word made Flesh that they pronounce is denied, mocked and laughed at. But be not afraid for we are in the End-Times and this is what you are to expect.
There are many evil things in your world and even more evil to come into your world to cause the most drastic, depravity of evil that will draw many into union with him who is anti- of Christ. ......................................................................... But never forget Jesus is in control in all things. God has known this in all time.
There is much given to you over the years, some of which you have forgotten, some of which haunts you in memory.
Do not feel bad because people do not listen. It is not your fault…….. I am always with you."
Our Lady then spoke about the abomination. ……………...............……
it will cause great distress for humanity. There will be great confusion but there will also be great pain and tears throughout the world. But never be afraid. Always know that I am close to you. Be at peace.
Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen."
Jesus then spoke of Our Lady soon to crush the head of the serpent, "There will very soon be storms - greater storms - among the principalities through the work of him who is antiChrist. Each day his seduction gathers great multitudes of souls drawing them to death and destruction.
See how he that is evil instantly stops in his tormenting of you when you offer it to Me for souls because he does not want a soul to be saved with each curtain hook that would be broken…that's as simple as it is with any attack upon you- once you offer it to Me, it can be received and weaken the power of the devil.
(Since the beginning of her call to fulfill this work, Christina has endured constant attack and torment directly and indirectly from the evil one in a variety of ways. In more recent times the harassment had taken the form of breaking articles in her bedroom during the night.)
Blessed are they that never have counted the cost."