✞ The story of ‘why’.
In 1907 the book "Lord of the World" was published. Written by a Catholic priest, Father Benson prophetically wrote about our current day, and more specifically the next few months. Although I am not certain if he intended his story being anything more than just that (for we all know the Lord can work in mysterious ways), his look into how the Antichrist would rise to power is strikingly in parallel to the very geopolitical situation we are finding ourselves in over the next 2 weeks.
The attached video gives a very quick summary of the book, and as I was listening to it I felt something in my heart that insisted that I just had to share this with my reading audience. (Didn't the Lord say: My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge —Hosea 4:6) The story consists of an American Senator who would rise to great power. He is a very charismatic person who takes the world by storm. Persecuting all those who oppose him, we quickly find his greatest anger being reserved for Christians. This man begins leading the world toward a one-world religion where all people and gods must be subjugated to worshipping mother earth. (aka, man-made climate change where humanity becomes the enemy and the earth must be protected at all costs) And hidden behind this religion is the spirit of Antichrist under the veil of freemasonry.
Europe is filled with violence and protests where western Christian civilization appears to be all but overthrown (Sounds like today's Muslim invasion at the behest of the UN.) The senator eventually leads an American delegation to Paris to strike a peace accord, but it's a fabrication. (Sounding like the forced peace accord our President and former Senator of Chicago is leading in Paris this coming week to divide Israel?) As revolution spreads, the Roman Catholic Church eventually finds itself almost all but destroyed and the Pope flees to a secret place hidden in Nazareth, Israel. There the pontiff is killed and the prophecies of Armageddon are fulfilled. (Any of this sounding familiar???)
Prophetic? You will have to be the judge of that.
It is eerily frightening though that many of the plots in this book, written 10 years before Saint Faustina received her revelations about these last days, appear to be actually in motion this very week. In the end, the Paris peace accord became the tipping point that gives the American Senator, this man of destiny, and his followers the power to seize the world. Will this weeks Paris peace accord become the tipping point for us?
If you are interested in reading it, you can download it for free (if you have a Kindle) at https://www.amazon.com/Lord-World-Robert-Hugh-Benson-ebook/
And one final word, for those who read Christina Gallagher's latest message insisting that we pray and fast for the next week, can this be the very reason why? The last time the US divided Israel we were struck by an earthquake. Is another one pending on the outcome of Senator, I mean President Obama's peace mission this week?