✞ The story of ‘why’.
This evening Mother appeared all dressed in white. The edges of her dress were golden and her head was covered by a great mantle like a transparent veil, studded with glitter. Mother had a queen’s crown on her head, on her chest a heart of flesh surrounded by thorns. Her hands were clasped in prayer, and her feet were bare, resting on the world. Mother was very sad: tears were streaming down her face and bathed her dress.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"My dear children, thank you for having responding to this call of mine.
My children, to see you here fills my heart with joy, despite the great sadness that floods my heart.
Little children, this evening I am again here to ask you for prayer, prayer!
Dearly beloved children, what I told you long ago is about to be fulfilled, and this brings me so much pain, but the greatest pain and suffering is knowing that many of you will betray me. Yes, children, many of you will draw back and deny my name and the name of my Son Jesus.
Little children, many will deny the faith. Pray that this lukewarmness that is flooding the world would become a flame that illuminates and warms hearts.
Little children, once again I ask you for prayer for my beloved Church and for the Vicar of Christ; he is burdened with weighty responsibilities.
Little children, once again I invite you to form prayer Cenacles: raise up the cenacles and fill your hands with rosaries, and your lips with prayer, praise and blessings. Make the walls of your houses resound with prayer.
Learn to bless those who do you wrong, and abstain from all judgment. Judgment is not for you but for God. He is the only judge; you must be apostles, not judges! "
Then while Mother was talking, she stopped, and to her right there appeared St Michael the Archangel. He was like a great captain wearing shining armor, and in his hands he had a large set of scales.
Mother resumed, saying: "Pray, put Italy under the protection of St Michael the Archangel, a great captain against the forces of evil.
Pray children, pray on your knees. Bend your knees and incline your face to Jesus. Do not look away from the heart of God. "
At this point I saw a large Host that gradually became flesh. Mother continued: "This is my Son who throbs with love for each of you, rejoices with you, weeps for you, suffers with you and for you.
Little children, God wants to save you, for God is Love! "
Finally Mother blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.