✞ The story of ‘why’.
I saw Mother, she had a long white mantle that covered her head and went all the way down to her feet, an antique pink dress, around her waist a golden belt, on her feet a pair of very thin and simple leather sandals. Above her head a large shining star; her hands were joined in prayer, and between them was a long holy rosary that went all the way down to her feet.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"Children, do not be afraid, I am always close to you, I accompany you on your way until the last day, when taking you by the hand I will lead you to the Father's presence; but alas, my children, it is you who too often stray from me, you close your hearts, you make your ears deaf to my calls, you do not listen to me, you turn inexorably away from me and in doing so you close your every door, leaving me out of your life; but I, children, am your mother and as such I will never tire of calling you, of seeking you. But alas, my children, the time is close, therefore I beseech you, be converted, open your hearts to Christ, let him be born in you, make him part of your life.
My children, when the hard times come, only those who have founded their house on the rock will resist and will not be devastated by the disasters. My children, the rock is Christ, only in Him is there joy, love, peace. Open your hearts.
My children, as the shepherds were called to visit the Lord and the magi invited to follow the star until they came to the Lord, so you too are called, but too often you do not listen to this call, you close your ears and harden your hearts, allowing yourselves to be taken with the false beauty of this world, with that blinding and empty light that does not illuminate and does not give warmth. My children, please listen to me, I am always here with open arms ready to welcome you; do not delay, my children, the time is nigh.
Now I give you my holy blessing.
Thank you for having hastened to me."