✞ The story of ‘why’.
This afternoon, Mother appeared wrapped in a great light.
Today she came among us as the Queen and Mother of All Nations. She had a pinkish dress and was wrapped in a large green-bluish mantle. Her feet were bare, and were resting on the world. Her hands were folded in prayer and in her hands she had a long Holy Rosary of light. On her head was a queen's crown, and she had St. Michael the Archangel on her right. He was like a great captain. With a long spear in his hands.
Mother's face was sad and suffering.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"My dear children, thank you for responding to this call of mine.
Dearly beloved little children, today I again call you to prayer and conversion.
Children, this is a time of grace and you must not waste time, but you must change course and must commit yourselves to God.
Little children, faith will be tested by many, and many will turn away from it, but those who persevere to the end will be saved.
Little children, you are all called to help me in this great project of love that God has for each one of you.
Dearly beloved little children, many of you will be put to hard testing, but do not get lost and do not walk away. Be persevering until the end and God will give you the just reward.
Man will not appreciate you, indeed many will deride you; look at what they did to my son: what do you expect?
Pray, hold the Holy Rosary tightly in your hands and look at my Son on the cross."
Then Mother said to me: "Let us pray together." During the prayer, Mama showed me scenes of wars, violence and various storms ...
I said: "Mother, what can we do to stop all this?"
She answered: "I have taught you to pray. Do it."
Finally Mother blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.