✞ The story of ‘why’.
I saw Mother, she was all dressed in white: on her head was a delicate white veil, on her shoulders a blue mantle, on her chest a heart of flesh crowned with thorns.
Mother had her arms open in a sign of welcome and in her right hand a Holy Rosary made of light.
May Jesus Christ be praised
"My dear children, I come to you to bring you peace and love, I come to you to show you the way that leads to the Lord, I come to take you by the hand along the tortuous path that leads to the Lord.
My children, I love you and once again I ask you for prayer, prayer for my beloved Church, prayer for my favored sons; with their behavior they pierce my heart and crucify my Jesus again.
My children, pray, unfortunately few are those sons of mine who truly believe and honor vows taken.
My beloved children, pray that the Lord would send good shepherds to feed his flock.
My children, too often the body of my Son is insulted, trampled, desecrated, is continually dishonoured. My children, pray in reparation for the outrages and sacrileges that are being committed.
My ears are torn and my heart is continually pierced by constant screams and cries; pray for this ever more corrupt world, ever more perverse, which crushes the poor and the weak, who insult the good and points the finger at it as stupid, which hates those who love and those who do good.
My beloved children, do not be ashamed of doing good, do not be bitter in comforting the weak and helping the poor, but be proud of it because everything you do to the least of your brothers you do to my beloved Jesus.
My children pray and make [others] pray, teach how to pray.
My children, in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph (and in saying this the crown of thorns disappeared from the heart on Mother's chest and her heart began to radiate many rays on many of those present).
May graces, love and blessing descend on you, my children and on your loved ones and on all those you carry in your heart.
Now I give you my holy blessing.
Thank you for having hastened to me.