✞ The story of ‘why’.
This evening Mother appeared dressed all in white; the edges of her dress were golden, the mantle that enveloped her was broad and white too, also covering her head. On her head she had the crown of a queen; her hands were joined on her chest and on her chest she had a heart of flesh crowned with thorns; her clasped hands had enclosed within them a long Holy Rosary of light that almost went down to her feet; her feet were bare and were placed on the world.
May Jesus Christ be praised.
"My dear children, thank you that this evening you are again here in numbers to welcome me and to respond to my call. Dearly beloved children, this evening I come here to ask for prayer, prayer for peace in the world and for peace in families.
Dearly beloved children, today I ask you once again to form prayer cenacles, to pray the Holy Rosary every day, to fast and to feed yourselves with the Eucharist.
Children, when you feel sad and alone, know that I am near you: you are never alone, a mother never leaves her children alone. Of course, a mother walks away from her children to make them grow, but nonetheless follows them without being seen. So do I; it seems that I am not there but I am looking at you, I always guide you even when you do not feel me. I always watch over you, I guide your every step, all your suffering is mine, every trial of yours is also mine: I am always near you!
My children, the prayer cenacles are that living flame where I live: I am in every cenacle. When you call on me, I watch over you. The cenacle is a living particle where I dwell.
My children, you must overcome many trials, but do not fear: you will have to suffer much but this will also be useful for you - you will be strengthened and will be stronger in the moment of battle. Children, pray that all might be able to participate and rejoice in the triumph of my Immaculate Heart."
Then Mother asked me to pray with her and blessed some in particular. Finally she blessed everyone in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.