✞ The Father forms one single thing with Jesus. Jesus gives Himself continuously to souls.
In the morning, while I was praying, the angel appeared to me.
He said, "I come to remind you that since you live in very difficult and dangerous times our Lord sent me to tell you that He wishes people to decide now to come back to God"
"Just like an election when you go to vote, so too people must decide for God. Tell people not to wait too long, as time is passing very fast and the opportunity that is given to you now will not last."
At the same time the angel was telling me this I had a vision. I could see many people that are alive today and that are familiar to me. They were standing in a long queue in front of a building, like they would during an election waiting to cast their vote.
Full of emotion and not wanting to miss out, I said to the angel, "I must go too and line up to vote."
In that instant, a very tall and beautiful lady, appeared before me. I felt in my heart, that she was a saint from heaven. She came up close to me and very gently encircled her hands around my head and said, "No, not you. You are whole with God."
I became so emotional and started crying.
She asked, "Why are you crying?"
I said, "I'm crying because I am not worthy of all of this."
The lady consoled me and said, "Don't cry, you should be very happy and very grateful to our Lord, and thank Him. You should be very happy that you belong to Him."
The vision then ended.
The angel and the saintly lady from Heaven, really urged me to tell people that they must decide for God now. They said that there is not much time left.
Although this is a short message, it is an extremely urgent one.
At the beginning of the Holy Mass, as the Priest, Father Peter Williams, was approaching the Alter, our Lord Jesus said to me "Consider that you have no Bishop here in this Diocese as yet, and it is still far away. This Holy Mass that will be offered by Father Peter Williams today is a High Mass just as if a Bishop was present to celebrate the Mass."
"Today offer Me everyone that you can think of, including priests and bishops, both living and deceased, so that they will benefit from this High Mass."
Jesus said, "Imagine, if priests were not to offer Me in the Holy Mass, what would it be like in the world? It would be sad. The world would not survive without the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass. It is from sunrise to sunset that I offer Myself over and over again in each Mass throughout the world."
"The Sacrificial Masses that are offered throughout the world are for the atonement of sins committed in the world. The Masses bring balance between the good and evil in the world."
I said, " My Lord, You are above evil, You are above all of this evil. Who can go above You? No one! You are Almighty God."
Our Lord said, "Just think My child, if you don't attend Mass and if people are slack to go to Mass, then you cannot defeat evil. At the same time, by attending Mass you help many Souls. The Holy Mass brings many good fruits and each of you benefit from the Mass. You must always think of the priests and bishops and offer them up to Me in the Holy Mass and pray for them."
Lord Jesus, cover the priests and bishops with Your most Precious Blood so that they will serve and preach Your true Holy Word and that they will teach Your people.
I was taken, by the Blessed Mother, to a place in Purgatory.
She said, “Come with Me, I will show you where Souls have been captive for many centuries.”
We entered into a ‘hollow place, very large, filled with ramps going up and down. Souls were sitting in groups, thousands of them, they were all gazing at us.
I asked, “What are they waiting for?”
She answered, “They are all very hungry.”
I said, “Are they going to have lunch?”
Mary smiled, “Not that kind of food, they are waiting for deliverance, prayer and Mass offerings to release them from this captive place.”
Then She led me out of this place into a street, very old looking. There were old rickety black trolley buses, arriving and leaving, off loading many Souls.
I said, “Blessed Mother, this is so depressing. How are we going to get out of here? Where is Sydney?”
She laughed, “You see how unhappy you feel. This is how the Souls feel when they come, they have no choice but to stay until someone helps them.”
What was shown to me, I realised that it was I who had to help them. Holy Mary took me back home. I was grateful and relieved.
When I arrived in the church before Mass, I offered up all the Souls to our Lord before the altar, saying, “Lord, be merciful to all these Souls who I saw in the vision earlier today.” I also prayed for them during our Cenacle prayer.
That night I received such a severe pain in my left leg, I felt I couldn’t take it any longer.
Suddenly, a light appeared and it became brighter and brighter. Then, our Lord was standing midst the light.
He smiled and said, “Peace be with you. It is I, your Lord. I come to tell you that the Souls you met this morning, I give you the suffering and pain for them. Please bear with love so you can help and release them.”
Our Lord appeared several times during the night and in the morning He told me to have a little rest. Then I slept well for about two hours and woke feeling refreshed.
Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord,
May perpetual light shine upon them,
May they rest in Peace.
During morning prayer, I said over and over, “Lord be merciful to us for we have sinned against You,” for I had the urge to do this, I felt the Holy Spirit had led me.
At that moment, a Holy person appeared saying, “I was sent by the Lord and He heard your prayer. I come to tell you that this year something great and big will happen to the world. Every human being will experience this, no one will be capable to refuse it.”
I said, “I myself received this message. It is included in the messages given to me previously.”
He answered, “I know all about that.”
I said, “I try to tell people about this, nobody seems to pay attention to it.”
Then he said, “When this thing happens everyone will experience it throughout the world.”
He showed me a husband and wife. The wife was a very humble and religious person but her husband was a very cross and aggressive person towards her. When the Holy Spirit touched both of them, the husband became very loving and gentle towards her. He was completely transformed.
“This is just an example showing you what will happen.”
I answered, “Let it be God’s will.”
Later, during Mass, I prayed to God, “Lord, referring to the message I received earlier today, I place in Your Holy hands.”
Jesus said, “My child, what is in front of Me, I see the behaviour of the world, I can no longer tolerate.”
Last night as I went to bed, I thought that I would have a good night's sleep, instead I had a very restless night, caused by excruciating pain in my legs.
I was in so much pain from my feet to my knees. It felt as if a dog was tearing at my flesh. Even though it was really painful, I still tried to pray. I started my prayers with the Creed ('I Believe'), and was praying repetitious prayer, hoping that it would relieve the pain, but it didn't help.
Our Lord then appeared to me and said, "You don't have to repeat yourself with repetitious prayers when you are in such agony. Your pain is sufficient to offer Me. Accept this suffering."
He then asked me, "And would you like to know for whom you are suffering? I'm sorry to say, but again it is for the Bishops and Priests. They give My Sacred Heart such immense pain. I Am in agony and I suffer so much. They are so disobedient towards their priestly obligations. They are drawn into the world and are distracted with material things. They fall into temptation. They do not fulfil their obligation of the daily recitation of The Breviary."
Our Lord said, "They do not like to carry the crosses that I give them, they like to have a carefree life. This pains My Sacred Heart very deeply. They should spend more time in front of the Blessed Sacrament to receive from Me special guidance and understanding. Pray for them and ask My faithful children to remember their Bishops and Priests. They need your prayers and support. What would you do without them? You must appreciate them and not criticise them."
Lord have Mercy on Your Bishops and Priests and give them special guidance and protection.
While I was saying my morning prayers I asked our Lord, "Lord, which church would you like me to go to this morning for Sunday Holy Mass?"
Our Lord answered, "I would prefer that you go to St Patrick's Cathedral Parramatta, and offer Me all that you have had to suffer last night for My Bishops and Priests. They should all benefit from this Holy Mass, which will be celebrated today by Father Peter Williams as it is a High Mass. You can tell Father Peter Williams that I love him very much. He is very reverent. You will especially enjoy the Mass, there will be singing as the Cathedral choir is back today after their break."
I said, "Lord, they sing to Your Glory, I offer them up to You."
During the past three days, a particular priest kept appearing to me. On the third day he approached me and said. "Valentina, I keep coming to you but you don't take too much notice of me."
I said, "I don't know what it is that you want."
The Priest said, "Well, I keep coming to you so you can see that I need your help."
He appeared to be very restless, coming and going, in and out of my house and constantly talking.
He said, "Since I was a priest, you should give me a little privilege."
I said, "I don't even know who you are and what you want."
He just kept talking and talking. He was very restless and confused.
I said, "I will start praying for you."
I didn't ask for his name. Today, I offered him at the Holy Mass and continued to pray for him.
Some Holy Souls that were priests, usually tell me the reason for their suffering, and what they want from me. They even give me their names. This particular priest just kept talking and assumed that I knew what he needed.
In my heart I felt that it was a big effort for him to come to me. He came three days in a row. He said, "I had to travel from afar to come to you. You don't know the effort I made to come and see you and yet you ignore me."
He kept talking and complaining about how I ignored him.
A Holy Soul in Purgatory generally dies with the habits he or she had on earth, and which caused them to sin. There are sections of Purgatory where the Holy Souls are still tormented by the devil, in the form of animals and reptiles, taunting them but unable to touch them. These Souls died attached to their sins, that is, they were unrepentant.
During one vision, I saw a big snake trying to come down and attack the Souls. I was scared. Nearby, I could see three angels talking to some souls. The Angels were all dressed in the same light navy colour as if in a guard’s uniform. I called out to them, "Guards, quick, there is a snake here!"
One of the Angels instantly came and said, "Don't worry, don't be afraid, they are not allowed to touch the Souls, they can only torment them."
I was so anxious to get out of this place, but the snake was immediately in front of me. I was so frightened. The Angel said, "I will walk with you." Together, we walked out of this building straight past the snake.
The Angel said, "See, nothing happened to you."
Throughout the night and until early morning I was constantly seeing many, many souls come into my bedroom, approach me and ask me for help.
One soul that stood out amongst this group was that of a young girl, between the age of 8 and 10 years. She was running back and forth, in and out of my bedroom. Her hair was neatly plaited at the back her head. She approached me and said, "I was stealing fruit, and anything that I could find to survive."
These people looked like they were from an African country. They were persecuted and had to flee. They were killed by rebels. They told me they tried to go to the refugee camps to escape the danger, but in the end they were captured and killed.
I had never seen so many Holy Souls together. There must have been hundreds and hundreds of them. They were slaughtered and killed.
The little girl said, "Lady, we don't know where to go. We are very confused. Help us to go to the Light."
The little girl was the only one in the group that could speak English. They understood the meaning of the Light. They wanted to go to the Light as they had already gone through a lot of suffering.
Our Lord appeared to me and said, "My child, these people have come to ask you for help. They have been through a terrible ordeal of suffering while they were living on earth."
Our Lord said, "Today, I would like you to go to St Patrick’s Cathedral Parramatta for Holy Mass, which will be a High Mass celebrated by Father Peter Williams. Offer Me all these people at the foot of the Holy Altar so that I can cover them with My Precious Blood and purify them as they died unprepared."
Since they have had such a difficult life on earth, a life of poverty and persecution, our Lord has given them a great privilege to be remembered at this Holy Mass, for the salvation of their souls.
Later that morning, during Holy Mass, our Lord said, "It is so good that you have come to offer up these Souls to Me. Pray for them. Thank you My child for obeying Me to fulfil My Will."
Our Lord also said to me, "Tell your friends that I am still very offended by the world. I am not happy with the way that humanity behaves. People are unrepentant. My children, please console Me."
Our Lord said, “With everything you are going through in your lives, with all your ups and downs, offer them all up to Me My children. Don't carry your burdens. In this way you console Me. Think of how much I have to suffer for the world. My children, think of My Passion. I want you to contemplate My suffering. How much I suffer to redeem you all."
Towards the end of Mass, two Angels dressed in white appeared above the Altar. Our Lord appeared between them in a brilliant white tunic. He appeared as the Resurrected Christ. He was happy, He raised up and extended His Holy Hands and blessed the people in the church.
Thank You Lord Jesus for blessing us. Have mercy on us.
Our Lord said, "My children, I am very sorry that you all had to go through a lot of suffering through this heatwave that came. My children if you think that the heatwave was due to the scientific environment then you are all very wrong. You can see that signs are given to you all over the world, the changes are coming everywhere. The city of Sydney is no exception, it is a very, very sinful city."
Regarding the upcoming Mardi Gras our Lord said, "The city that accepts filth and sin and promotes it, that city cannot receive blessings from Me."
"By promoting all this filth and sin they deceive My little children and lead them to Hell, instead of teaching them to spiritually come to know God and the Ten Commandments which will be beneficial for their soul. These people that mislead children will be responsible for leading them to Hell."
"It is so painful for My Sacred Heart to watch all this wrongdoing and My Church keeps silent. My children, have strong faith and hope in Me and continue to pray, as soon, things will change in this world. It has to change, the world cannot continue the way it is now."
Our Lord showed me how much He suffers for us, and how He wants to save everyone. The world really offends Him.
Our Lord then raised His Hand and gave us a blessing and said, "Be strong in your faith because many today in the world are falling away from the true Faith.'
Thank You Lord, be with us, we love You.