✞ The story of ‘why’.
This morning while I was saying my morning prayers, the angel appeared to me. He said, “I am the angel of the Lord. He sent me to reveal things to you that will be happening soon inside the Church.”
The angel took me to another part of the world that was not familiar to me. I could see three churches, each located not far from the other. Pointing to the church closest to us, the angel said, “We will go to this church.” As we approached this church, I could see quite a few steps leading up to its entrance. As we entered it, I could see many people inside. Many of them were laughing and speaking with loud voices. The people seemed happy and joyful.
As I knew I was in a church, I genuflected and blessed myself. Other people were entering the church as well. Some genuflected and some did not.
There was a lady that appeared to be in charge. A priest was standing next to her. She said to us, “Don’t genuflect. You do not need to do that any longer. You do not need to make the Sign of the Cross to bless yourself.”
With a happy tone in her voice, she explained, “As you can see, there is no longer a Tabernacle in the Church. We removed everything and now we are free to do as we want.”
I kneeled down, and as I heard her words, I started to cry. I could see the church was completely bare, there was no Tabernacle, and there were no statues.
The behaviour of the people in the church was terrible. They were laughing at me because I was kneeling. They were singing and dancing. The songs they sang were not Hymns. They were singing and dancing to modern day music.
There were even some individuals who were completely naked. Others said to them, “You really have the courage to do that.”
They responded, “Why not! We can now do as we want. We do not need to obey the Commandments any longer. We are free.”
As I saw all this, I cried, and I cried. I lamented to the angel next to me, “Poor Lord Jesus, I want to defend Him so much.”
I then noticed that it was Holy Michael beside me. He said to me, “That is why I want you to see what is coming. How people will commit sacrilege and blaspheme so shamelessly. These changes are all bound to come when the Anti-Christ tells people not to be afraid of any sin. He will tell them it is all good and free, do what you want to do.”
Holy Michael then said, “If you have a little bit of faith, hold onto it. Believe in Jesus Christ our Lord. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to go through all that is coming. Tell people that the times are passing very fast for all these events to happen, which is also an indication to people that the coming of our Lord Jesus is very near.”
“Tell people that they should be happy that after this suffering, our Lord will reign on earth and restore all His Churches the way He likes and no-one shall destroy them ever again.”
I noticed St Michael appeared to be happy when he was saying all this. I asked him, “How come you are so happy, and I am crying and so sad?”
He answered, “I will tell you why I am so happy. It is because I know that, after this difficult time of suffering that you will all have to go through, our Lord will reign. He will make everything beautiful again.”
We need to have a strong faith to go through this time of suffering. Otherwise, we will not comprehend the changes that will come.