✞ The story of ‘why’.
St Thomas the Apostle
St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta
During the Holy Mass, I had a most beautiful vision of St Thomas the Apostle. He appeared as a tall gentleman, dressed in a dark olive-coloured tunic, with a white stole around his neck, the same as what a priest would wear. His eyes were a deep brown, and his olive skin beautifully complemented his brunette hair.
He said, “Today you receive a Grace from our Lord Jesus so that I can talk to you. Valentina, do not doubt the Word that you receive from our Lord Jesus. Don’t be like me when I lived on earth and I doubted when they told me that our Lord resurrected and I didn’t believe them. I told the Apostles, ‘Unless I see and touch His Holy Wounds I will not believe.’
“Then our Lord appeared to me, and He said, ‘Thomas, Thomas, why do you doubt Me. Touch My Holy Wounds. They are real’.”
“Valentina, don’t you know how hurtful it was and how painful it was for our Lord that I doubted Him. I cried, and I cried that I offended our Lord. He is such a good God that He forgave me when I asked Him.”
“Valentina, proclaim His Holy Word to people so they can convert and come to know God. He is so offended and so sad for humanity, for being so deaf and blind to His holy call.”
“He wants to save everyone and give them life Eternal. He loves everyone, but people are not interested. Pray, Pray, and encourage people to come to know God and to love Him. Our Lord has so much to offer them.”
I said, “Oh St Thomas, what a privilege.”
St Thomas pray for us.
Earthquake in California
Yesterday California experienced a strong earthquake.
Our Lord Jesus said, “This is only a warning. It is a sign, but it will become bigger.”
In a previous message, our Lord said, “After the big earthquake, is when everything will start to unfold, one event after another.”
Our Lord said there would be volcanic eruptions, and hurricanes in places that have never experienced this before, in countries such as China.
Jesus also said, “Tell people to pray and convert while there is still a little time.”
Urgent Message from Blessed Mother
During my morning prayers, the angel of the Lord appeared to me and said, “Our Blessed Mother has something to tell you.”
Blessed Mother then appeared with an angel standing beside her. She was holding, a most beautiful, bunch of fresh roses. The bunch was so large that she had to use both hands to hold them; she embraced the roses. They were pink and yellow coloured, with a few white ones scattered throughout. The colours of the roses reminded me of the Rosa Mystica.
I said, “What beautiful flowers!”
Blessed Mother was dressed in a red tunic, signifying the Precious Blood of our Lord Jesus, and a white mantle covered her head.
She said, “With the Rosary that my children pray, I will win the world. Encourage people to pray the Rosary.”
The roses represent the Rosary prayers that we pray.
There was a sense of urgency in her message. She made me feel that it is very urgent for the world to be saved, and for the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart, through the Holy Rosary.