✞ The story of ‘why’.
My such beloved children, I, Mary, your Mother and Queen of heaven and earth, am again at the center of my cenacle to spur you to prayer. You must understand that without my help you will not be able to go the the eternal city. This evening, the Queen wants to help you on the way that you are facing trudgingly, to reach its goal.
My dear children, seek to understand that one cannot face the voyage without helps. If you do not know the road, if no one indicates to you the way, how can you arrive at the place foreseen for eternal joy? You seek joy but in the wrong way. You dwell too much on the things that the material world offers you and you forget that the spirit that is in you from the beginning of time cannot enjoy your ephemeral joys.
I, the Queen of heaven and earth, want this evening to take each of you by the hand and guide you only the only route to take to arrive at the true goal. You will then taste true joy, the angels and saints will make you a crown, when you finally return to enjoy eternal joy.
May the crown of my rosary always be in your hands. The evil one will fear you, he will not be able to draw near to tempt you and make you fall into eternal flame. Believe me, dear children, eternal punishment exists and I do not want to lose any of my most beloved children. Call upon my help and I will bring you to the feet of my Son to have him bless you.
My dear children, be aware that your Queen can help you to overcome every obstacle.
Mary, the Queen