✞ The more things of which the soul deprives herself down here, the more she will have up there in Heaven.
I am your God. It is not important if I come to you in the first, in the second, in the third person. My daughter, be calm and write what you all must know in these terrible times.
Dear children, be attentive, do not lose yourselves in dark meanderings, but open wide your eyes to see all that is happening in your skies and on your earth, open your ears to hear my words.
Do not be afraid. The children of God are always under my protection, but be attentive in order to be able to evaluate the events your are living through in these difficult times. Man has let himself distrust God, knowing full well he is limited in knowledge and action.
I am the Lord. I am He who can make day and night. I can give you to eat and to drink. I can give you the intelligence to be able to move around and do everything well, but you want to be autonomous. You want to show that you can do without Me. You have become masters of the world and think that you can do and undo at your pleasure.
The anger of God will soon make itself felt by all of you. You must choose to be with Me or against Me. I can no longer allow the children of God who follow my words to suffer because of the evil done by the followers of Satan.
Dear children, I love you, I will console you, I will follow you in every step. Do not fear, be safe under the mantle of my Mother. Continue to live out what I tell you. Love your brethren, above all those far from Me. Offer me prayers and fasts for their salvation, and that they repent of the ugly and wicked things of which they are making use.
I love you, I am close to you. Be my hands and my heart and I will save you from every calamity.
Jesus, Your God and Your Brother