✞ The story of ‘why’.
Dear children, I have called you and you have responded with joy. I thank you and continue to speak to you as only a mother knows how. My joy in these times is minimal, but thanks to my Son, I still have so many dear children who listen to my counsels and put them into practice.
My such beloved children, always follow my counsels because in these sorrowful times only that which comes from God can console you and grant you that holy and celestial joy.
I love you and will not leave you alone, otherwise I could lose you. You need my support and my help and I will always give it to you. Be coherent with your creed and your faith, because in these times confusion reigns supreme.
Do not let yourselves be tricked by the “ifs” and the “buts.” The faith is one and let no one dare change its meaning. My Son, as I often remind you, “Was” not and “Will be” not; He “Is.” Therefore, there exists no before and after, but only today.
Do not change, therefore, the meaning of the words of the Gospel but continue to pray to that God, Eternal, Merciful, and Just. I speak to you today in this way because you will be tempted to modernize the Word of God.
My dear children, I am with you even to put you under advisement as to what is happening. Be obedient and do not turn back; recite the Creed as you always do. The Holy Mass and the Eucharist must be your daily support if you want to live in serenity and in truth.
I will always speak to you and only in the Truth of God. If you listen to me you will walk with agility and security toward the kingdom of God. Thank you, my dear children: you are my sentinels of the dawn. I bless you and intercede for you.
Mary, Mother of the Church