✞ Obedience.
I have come to comfort you. My such beloved children, now more than ever you are all in greatest discomfort. Be calm, because whoever is close to us is kept from every calamity. I love you and even in sorrow I want to calm your minds.
Jesus and I have always been closest to you and we want you to follow us and the Word of the Father, which heals all wounds.
My children, your earth has been invaded by evil spirits. If you do not pray and entrust yourselves totally to us, you will not succeed in getting out of this terrible trial. In this moment, if you demonstrate to yourselves, first of all, that God is Love, you will live through this darkness with greater light in your hearts.
God is Love. Never forget this and he will not leave his children in the hands of Satan. I repeat: fear not, because heaven and earth will pass away but the Word and love of God will never pass away.
Pray, open your hearts, ask your Father with the certitude of being heard. I am with you. I love you and will not abandon you, not even the most disobedient children.
Offer your sufferings for your brethren who do not believe and precisely for this reason; [otherwise] they will die of fear and broken hearts. Easter draws near and teaches you that Jesus has won the victory over death.
You will be victors if you entrust yourselves to Him totally. Courage, my children.
Your Heavenly Mother