✞ Obedience.
My such beloved children, continue to ask me: Pray for us sinners! Never before, as in this time, have all of you needed my intercession.
Continue to pray, because only with my help will you be able to escape from this confusion that Satan is using to make you his prey. Only with my requests will the Father give you the time necessary for your conversion.
How is that you do not understand that the “Creator” is “The Only One”? Whatever you want to do, you must depend on the Only God. I never leave you; I think about and help each one of you according to your needs.
Pray, my dear children; perhaps many of you still are not able to change your ways. Remember that without praying to your Creator, you will never start out on the right way, the only way that will lead you to your Heavenly Homeland.
Pray with the heart. Address yourselves to Jesus, He who has wanted to give his life in exchange for your sins. My Son knows all your sufferings, especially those of the Spirit.
Be strong and never mind what they say who do not live in true faith. God will certainly concede to all of you the moment of conversion. I pray you, do not waste that time. Direct and give your heart, in that moment, to your Father, He who can save you from the pains of hell for all eternity.
I thank you for this time that you dedicate to me. Continue without growing tired. I bless you. Jesus is here and loves you for all eternity.
Mary, She Who Will Win