✞ Obedience.
My dearest children, never forget the love that Jesus has for you. I know you are living through hard times, but precisely for this reason you must have the certitude that only the love that my Son has for you will save you from the most difficult and painful trials.
You know well that his Cross is the sign that you must hold as the only way, the certain road of salvation. Have no fear. You will succeed in overcoming every difficulty that appears before you, day after day. Remember that the faith you have in God will save you from every evil.
Trials, unfortunately, will appear before you suddenly, but pray with the certainty that Jesus is next to you and will protect you as only He knows how. I am with you. You will come across dangers that, in your eyes, will seem insurmountable, but Jesus, through Me, will protect you.
Never forget that prayer can move mountains. Man, at a certain point, will have to render an account of his smallness. Properly for this reason, so many of you have renounced faith. They have been taken over by indecision, fears. They will no longer understand the meaning of so many insuperable trials.
Pray, my dear children. The Creator of the world will soon return to put an end to all this ruin. He has given you all of Himself, but you have reciprocated only with disobedience.
My dear ones, repent of all your sins, otherwise you will lose eternal life. My love for you holds the evil one far away, but you, return to Christ. I love you and, if you want, you will be saved.
Mary, Perpetual Love