Urgent Appeal from Jesus to His Shepherds

By Enoch

December 13, 2020

Message from Jesus

My children, my Peace be with you.

Shepherds of my flock, sadness and loneliness afflict me to see myself betrayed by many of you, who from within are putting an end to the faith of my People and destroying my Church. As the High and Eternal Priest, it pains and saddens me to see how many of my Priests and Ministers sacrilegiously distribute me by giving me into the hands of my People, under the pretext, according to them, of avoiding infecting themselves with a virus that is already more of a plot and a direct attack on my Church to destroy it. The communion in the hand does not come from Me; it has been introduced by Ecclesiastical Freemasonry, through the so-called Master Plan, which has as its objective the destruction of My Church. This is the smoke of My adversary that has infiltrated My Church, after the Second Vatican Council.

Beloved Sons, how sad I feel to see that only in My Temples is there a danger of infection, according to many of you and according to the enemies of My Church. In the other activities of human life there are crowds, without distances and with a minimum of protocols, and there is no danger of becoming infected; only in my Temples and religious activities is there censorship; in my Temples there are distances and severity in the protocols, and the saddest thing is to see how many of my Beloved are silent out of fear and allow such a vile deception and abuse of my Flock.

The Calvary of my Church has begun, tears of blood flow from my eyes to see the betrayal I am receiving from many of my Pastors who claim to be my relatives! The enemies of my Church conspire against it, and many of you cowardly keep silent; others with their attitude continue the game of the conspirators. If My Church continues in this way, very soon My Holy Sacrifice will disappear; thus is fulfilled what is written in the Book of Daniel 12:11, which speaks of the devastating desolation of the Temple.

Woe to the unfaithful Guides and Pastors who, because of the lax attitude of some and the lack of character of others, will allow the destruction of My Church; verily I tell them they have already received their pay! Remember what my Word says: woe to the shepherds who let my sheep get lost and scattered! They have scattered My sheep, let them run away, and have not taken care of them. Therefore, I will take good care to chastise their evil deeds. (Jeremiah 23. 1,2)

Today, the enemies of My Church are conspiring against it, under the pretext of a pandemic and aided by many of My pastors, who by their attitude are helping them to destroy the faith of My People. Many of My Pastors are closing My Temples and others are distributing Me in a sacrilegious way. Apostasy is on the rise because of the attitude of many of My Pastors, that what they are doing, is scattering My sheep. Unfaithful shepherds, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life! In every bloodless sacrifice of my Holy Mass, I am Alive and Real, spiritually in the midst of you and my people; therefore: if I am with you, who can be against you? The power of the prayer of my people does not infect, on the contrary, it heals and liberates; the faith and prayer of my faithful people is the best antidote against any virus or pandemic. Shepherds of my Flock, reopen my Temples so that my faithful People may come to adore me; do not be Kings of Guilt, continuing the game of the enemies of my Church, so that tomorrow you will have nothing to complain about!

I leave you My Peace, I give you My Peace. Repent and be converted, for the Kingdom of God is near.

Yours, Jesus, High and Eternal Priest

My children, make this message known in all My homes.