✞ What victim means.
My Child, when mankind seeks freedom, he is choosing to live out his free will that I ordained upon humanity since the beginning of creation in order for him to fulfill the mission he was sent to do. To restrict mankind’s freedom is limiting his ability to comply with the will of the Heavenly Father. Now go forth for I Am Jesus and My Mercy and Justice will prevail.
11:06 PM
My Child, I ask My Children, is it you that is quarantining yourself from Me or Am I being quarantined from you? Where does your trust lie? Does it rest in Me or in the ways of the world? You cannot serve two masters. At a time when so many desire to immerse you in great doubt and confusion, you must keep your focus on Me. This world is passing, and your true home is in heaven. You are being stripped and detached from your worldly pleasures. You are being shown how to separate what is of this world and what is of Me, for I Am Jesus. Stay awake, My Children, for great change is coming. You must be prepared to defend the truth, to defend your faith, and witness the gospel message. When the world tells you to be silent, I say to you, shout from the mountain tops and allow your voice to echo until it penetrates the hearts of those who have turned away. Speak the truth and you have nothing to fear, for I Am the God of Mercy and Justice, and the time has now come when I will shine My Light into the souls of mankind, for it is My Mercy and Justice that will prevail.
My Child, a spiders work always leads back to its web. Once the web has been exposed it will always be destroyed in order to have a clean dwelling. The web is soon to be exposed and the spider will no longer be because every corner of the dwelling will be cleaned by its keeper. I say to you every part of the web and its origin will show where it begins and ends for I Am Jesus and My Mercy and Justice will prevail.