Pray for those who reject me

By Linda

December 10, 2017

12:20 – 1:12 pm
I’ve been away, Father, and I’ve missed our time together….
Belovéd Children, pray.  Your prayer has such power within My Loving Heart and I bring My Mercy in its everlasting abundance by it.  I extend My Great Mercy across this World and beckon My Belovéd Children to Me.  Do not be afraid, My Children, of what must come.  Be devout in your prayers and steadfast in your Love and faith in Me, your Almighty Lord God.  I am the Lord God and My Will for you is always divine and correct, and filled with My Beatific and staunch Love of you, My Children.  How I long to hear your calls of Love for Me.  I wander within your Hearts and seek to enflame the Light of Love within Hearts.

There are so many who have abandoned Me for this World.  This pangs Me and My Sacred Heart weeps for your Souls.  Belovéd Children, you are My Delight.  Trust in My Love for you.  Allow Me to embrace you and fill your Hearts with the Divinity of My Love.  Know Me intimately and know the wonders of Love.  Your Eternal God and Father longs for you.  In all My anxiety for your Souls, I call out to you that your Souls might be steeped in My Light that is Love.

Reach out to My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, who weeps in His Longing for your Love and repentance.  Do you not see the danger in which you have placed your fragile Souls by the quantity and calibre of your sins?  I look upon this World I have created for Man and see all that I Love and have Loved and will Love.  For I am Almighty and Eternal and My Will for Man is fueled by Love and Mercy.  Yet, in My Profound Love for you, I am forced to act.  I am your Loving Father and wish for each Soul to join Me in the Kingdom of Love, but this presently cannot be.  My Children have increased your sins and this valley of death that consumes Mankind wounds Me so deeply, and My Beatific Son, the Christ Jesus who is the Sacrificial Lamb, is pierced by each sin that takes your Souls further from Love and so close to Eternal hells.
Children, do not disbelieve in Love and evil, for both are very present in this World.  You are given choice and My Children have so often chosen the path that leads to perdition.  In your errors, by the prayer of My Faithful or faith-filled Children, many are returned to the protection of My Fold.  Yet, so many are still straying into darkness.
Children, this World continues to reject My Love and Mercy and denigrates the Holiness and Divinity of My Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus, and what Father sits patiently aside as His Belovéd Son is abused?  What Father abandons His Children to a dangerous wilderness that they might die in the darkness?  Believe in My Love and Mercy for you, Children.  Open your Hearts to Me and know the Love and Divinity of My Mercy.

Children, you must not wait.  Many shall face the storm with no shelter or protection.  Many will be caught by surprise and the nature of their understanding of this will paralyze them with the clarity of danger.  The storm shall catch many unprepared.  The winds shall sweep them up and their Hearts will pound with fear.  Belovéd Children, this storm is of My Making.  It is My Divine Will that My Kingdom that is Love and perfection be filled with the Belovéd Souls of My Children.  This cannot happen, as the World is in a terrible, unprecedented state of sin.  Do you not know the nature of sin?  Do you not see evil’s hand in all that is taking place?

Children, your devotion to Me is a balm that soothes the wounds of My Heart.  Your prayer mitigates the force of My Storm.  Still, My Belovéd Children will be shown the sinful nature of Mankind with such a clarity as to make your Hearts weep with great sadness and pull at your hair for your disobediences and sins.  Such a storm of fire comes and the blind will see and the deaf will hear, and the hounds of hell shall rage in this act of Mercy.  Each of My Belovéd Children shall understand with great clarity the nature and extreme darkness of sin and each shall decide within themselves to pass into everlasting darkness or everlasting Life.

Beware, oh Children, that you too will be challenged.  You will want to avenge yourselves for your pains.  You shall be shocked by destruction and tested by fire.  You will experience desolation and fear or loneliness or separation.  All that you experience will be a trial in your faith in Me.  Your Love of Me will be sorely tested and even the prayerful shall fail in their struggles.  Where your foundations are weak, your walls will not withstand the storm.

Hold fast to your Love of Me, My Children.  Be steadfast and trustful in Me, your Lord God and Heavenly Father.  Obey My Laws faithfully, with patience and forbearing.  Look to My Belovéd Son and the Mantle of a Mother’s peace and find solace in Love.  Belovéd Children, the Belovéd and Divine Mother of Heaven and peace wishes to lead each of you to her Most Belovéd Son, the Christ Jesus.  Her Sacred heart is filled with her Love of Him.  She is your greatest and Most Loving intercessor and the pleas she makes for you in her Love of Man pluck My Own Heart, and My Mercy increases.  Treasure the gift of solace and Love she offers to you.  Pray to the Holy Mother of earth and Heaven.  She is the Queen of Peace and is Most Belovéd by Me, and how can I resist the requests of one who I Love so very dearly.  Take shelter in the Mantle of Her Divine Love and she will bring you safely through the storm.  Pray with great faith, the Rosary, as she has requested time and again.  Her Love for you is so powerful and when she comes to Me, your Almighty God, to plead for My mitigations, I cannot resist her Love for you.

Belovéd Children, so many reject the gifts of Love and Mercy, and this is detrimental to your Souls.  Pray for those who reject Me, My Children.  Pray for the World’s conversion, lest each of My Belovéd Children die in a state that shall leave them in the darkness and Eternal horrors of hell.  Your prayers, your devoted prayers, turn many to Me and the lance that pierces My Heart is removed minutely.

Oh, Children, but pray!  You will be tested.  Many shall die as martyrs and fear shall spread because of this.  My Servants shall duck their heads into darkness that they might live their temporal lives safely, but at such a terrible cost.  They shall avoid persecution by denying Me, their Lord God and Heavenly Father, and how much worse will be the punishment for their betrayals.  Thus, My Children, you must constantly pray for them, that they shall stay true in their Love of Me.  Do not fear what may happen in this temporal World.  When you stand steadily with constancy in your Love of your Lord God, in the Son of Man, in the Holiest Spirit, how wondrous are your rewards, and these are sweeter than you can know.

Children, do not be fooled by the sophists who insist that what is black is white.  What is pure is evil.  What is dastardly in My Eyes, good.  Do not be fooled by the dark chicaneries of those who are weak and follow blindly the prince of darkness, for they too shall fall in their ignorance of My Divine Law.  Children, do not be fooled by the words proclaimed by false prophets.  There are many and each will approach you with masks of goodness or holiness with a rotten core filled with lies and untruths.  So many will be led astray because they shall seek “condone-ment” and the acceptance of this World.  So many shall lose in their desires for delights within this fleeting World and will discover the sour results of these base desires.

Children, guard your Hearts with prayer.  Look to Me always and be devout in your Love and worship of the Christ Jesus.  Do not waver in your faith in Me and I shall place the kiss of Love and Life upon your brows.  Hold steady in your Love of Me, and you shall never be fooled by death and its lies.  Pray, and the discernment of the Spirit will rest upon you and you will see and hear and know when deception is on your path facing you, desiring of deceiving My Belovéd Children.  Pray, and the Love of Christ Jesus, My Belovéd Son, shall fill your Heart with His Mercy and Sacrifice, and you will be made  strong by His Precious Blood that has been spilt upon you and for you.
Pray, My Children.  Pray for My Belovéd Servants.  Their foundations are often weak and their spiritual works absent.  Pray for My Belovéd Servants, for they must be strong in their Love of Me and in their discernment.  Many, many of them are leading My Belovéd Children astray, and the punishments for this are large and terrible.
Children, pray and know that I do not step away from your Hearts, ever.  I am ever present in your Lives.  Stay true and faithful in your Love for Me.  Trust in Me and know the depths of My Love for you.  Peace, Belovéd Children.  Peace.