Let All Repeat the Words "Jesus I Trust In You"

By Miscellaneous Messages

April 22, 2020

From Our Lord to Anna Marie

Originally Posted @

Anna Marie: My Lord, are you calling me?

Jesus: Yes dear one.

Anna Marie: My Lord are you Father, Son or Holy Spirit?

Jesus: It is I, your Divine Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.

Anna Marie: My dear Jesus, will you now and always bow down and adore God your Eternal Holy Merciful
Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible?

Jesus: Yes little one, I your Heavenly Savior, Jesus of Nazareth, will now and will always bow down and adore
my Holy Eternal Merciful Father, who is the Almighty Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is
visible and invisible.

Anna Marie: Please speak my holy Divine Savior, for your sinful servant is now listening. [A private message
was given.] Dear Jesus, is there anything else?

Jesus: Yes, be in peace about everything you do for me and my Mother. The times are getting more difficult
and so many are anxious about what is yet to come, but I ask my children to surrender their worries and concerns to me and to my Holy Heavenly Mother. Trust in my Fathers’ will, trust in my will and they, all my beloved and cherished children, will be able to live with peace in their hearts during the Warning and coming

Anna Marie: Yes Jesus. Can you give me a prayer that will instantly grant peace to all who are scared or anxious about what is coming or what they are to do to prepare for what is coming?

Jesus: Yes, let all repeat the words, “Jesus I trust in You”, then they can hand me their concern they are
struggling with. I will help guide each soul to understand how I will manage the concerns and grant each the
gift of peace by my grace.

Anna Marie: Yes Jesus, I understand.

Jesus: Many have not practiced TRUSTING in their Savior, but now the time for each soul to live these words
in action not just in words alone.

Anna Marie: Yes Jesus.

Jesus: Not little one, I wish you to also remain in constant peace and know I am caring and watching over
you, your family and your household daily.

Anna Marie: Yes Jesus. I love you Jesus, all Apostles love you Jesus.

Jesus: I am blessing them all today with my holy grace. Your Divine Savior, Jesus of Nazareth