The Book of Heaven
—Unofficial Version—

Volume 3

June 10, 1900

The office of victim. Chastisements.

It seems to me that my adorable Jesus continues to halve Justice by pouring a little bit upon me, and the rest upon people.  This morning especially, when I found myself with Jesus, my soul was tormented in seeing the torture of His most sweet Heart in chastising the creatures.  The state of suffering Jesus was in, was such that He did nothing but let out continuous moans.  He had a thick crown of thorns on His head, all sunken into His flesh, to the point that His head seemed a block of thorns.  So, to relieve Him a little bit I said to Him:  ‘Tell me, my Good, what is it - that You are suffering so much?  Allow me to remove these thorns that torment You not a little!’  But Jesus did not answer me; even more, He did not even listen to what I was saying.  So I began to remove those thorns, one by one, and then I placed them on my head.  Now, while I was doing this, I saw that somewhere far away there was to be an earthquake, which would make a slaughter of people.  Then Jesus disappeared from me and I returned inside myself, but with greatest affliction, thinking of the suffering state of Jesus and of the tragedies of miserable humanity.