The Book of Heaven
—Unofficial Version—

Volume 4

July 7, 1902

Continuous humiliation with Christ will give rise to everlasting exaltation with Christ.

This morning, since blessed Jesus was not coming, I felt all confused and humiliated. Then, after I struggled very much, He made Himself seen for just a little, telling me: "Luisa, always humiliated with Christ."

And I, pleased and yearning to be humiliated with Christ, said: ‘Always, Oh Lord!’ And He repeated: "And the always of the humiliation with Christ, will give rise to the always of the exaltation with Christ."

So I understood that as many humiliations as the soul undergoes with Christ and for love of Christ, if they are continuous, so many times will the Lord exalt her; and He will make this exaltation continuously before the whole Celestial Court, before men, and finally, even before demons themselves.