✞ The three weapons to defeat disturbance.
My little one, I desire you tell the people of the world what I reveal to you.
People of the world, I have called you My people but you have disowned Me. So many people fail to listen or care and will not respond to My call and that of My Mother for all these many years. So many live by the flesh and the world - then, you will also die by the flesh and the world.
You foolish man, how you will suffer through the man of perdition. He is at your doors. You have opened your life to him. Antichrist is devouring you in multiple ways. The take-over of the world is with you and you fail to see!
I have offered you so much protection but you rejected all I offered you. You rejected Me who is Life and you followed death. My existence was far from your hearts.
For the remnant I have given safety in My Sacred Heart: I have given them the safety of life in Me. The 'wise virgins' responded. You people will be hunted down by the dogs of death who have your downfall ready. You will be forced to partake of the overflowing chalice. You refused life, now you will partake of death at the hands of the man of death.
Those of the remnant will be blessed who will have the Petal which has the outpouring of My Heart and that of My Immaculate Mother's Heart.
My Mother's picture with the Roses will bring great protection to the homes where the Rosary is prayed in its presence because I will flow many graces through it. People of the world, how I have pleaded with you to open your eyes and hearts but to no avail. Those who could have been of benefit to draw people into the awareness of My messages preferred their self status of the world.
The Houses of Protection which My Mother pleaded with you to put in place were left without workers: so often only those who wanted self-gain entered. Not all, but many hearts were closed.
I pleaded for the House in New York but there was so much conflict and disbelief - all having their say but without the grace I offered through My Mother's Heart. Now you will see the parable of 'the foolish virgins' being fulfilled in your world.
Control of you is imminent. It will be enforced upon you. Death will be your reward because you did not listen. My Church will be destroyed. The shepherds have permitted the man of perdition to take all that is Mine but when all seems lost I will come and bring forth My Immaculate Mother to rescue the remnant.
Remember the gifts and the places of refuge I have offered you - that will be all you will have, for those of you who survive. I am before every heart but I will not be permitted to enter.
I will rescue those of the remnant who have open hearts and wear on their person the Precious Petal I have offered in the unity of My Heart and My Immaculate Mother's Heart. There is no safety except through My Life.
Those of the world who were living in darkness rejected My greatest gifts and even the gift of their earthly life. Their refusal has left them in permanent darkness -because of their rebuke of Me, their Lord God who gave them such.
To the remnant I say, My truth shall be with you through the littlest of My messengers whom so many of you scorned for so many years.
Make your peace with My prophets while you have time because for many death and destruction are before you as the man of death approaches. Take heart that you can turn and listen and receive the truth that is offered to you. Arm yourself with the gifts offered before it is too late. It is already too late for many. How My Heart sorrows for the lack of people to come into the vineyard of My Work - to respond to the call of My Word in My Mother's Houses. They are empty -just like you, My people, all worshipping the world and the flesh, but, My people, I am Jesus, Son of God who has called you and I also called you through My Mother's Heart but to little or no avail...
but for the small remnant that responded, blessed are those that heard and responded to Me who is Life.
You have but little time left now to respond to My Mercy and put the things of your darkened world away from you. Pray for mercy.
I bless you all, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.