✞ Jesus confounds the soul with Love.
Recently I received a fascinating story from one of our readers. Asking to remain anonymous, he has granted me permission to share his testimony to demonstrate the power of the use of sacramentals to bless and protect our homes and loved ones.
My wife had a traumatic medical condition occur while we were on vacation in May, 2011. While her condition was stabilizing in the U.S. we began praying more and making use of the holy oils and waters I had purchased earlier in the year. We started praying a sacramental to St. Rocco on Wednesday, June 29th. The following day I suddenly remembered the crucifixes I had bought earlier in the year and placed them over every window and door in the house on the inside. The next night, while playing online, I felt uneasy. My wife was taking medications at 9 p.m. that put her to sleep 10 minutes after taking them and yet, this night, could not sleep for 2.5 hours. The next day, July 2nd, I took a smoke break in the afternoon on our porch. I happened to look up and saw this:
I saw the back ones first and thought, that’s strange to see mildew like that (mildew is black, not brown anyways). Then I saw the front left paw print and knew instantly what it was... The enemy! (I did have another spiritually transformative event occur fullto me in the summer of 2000 and am aware of both the Creator and the Deceiver.)
I then went inside and got the remaining two crucifixes I had, tied them together with string, anointed them with St. Hubert and St. Serapion holy oils, and put them in a Ziploc bag. I placed them on the porch table where they remain today. I have fullsince anointed all the crucifixes over the windows and doors with St. Joseph holy oil and put the 4 blessed candles we have in the corners of the house.
I realize now that the enemy overheard our prayers to St. Rocco when we started it. I also realize now that putting the crucifixes over the windows and doors was an act of protection, not of help. When I was done placing the crucifixes, I returned to fullthe bedroom where my wife was sleeping. I glanced at the Sacred Heart of Jesus picture in the room and I swear I saw him grinning at me. Blinking my eyes, the picture was normal again.
The prints have not faded and I have left them there so they can be a testimony to all as more people see them and hear this story.
Jesus, we trust in you! Pray, Hope, and don't Worry!
Your Brother in Christ