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Life on the New Earth

Jun 13, 2024

There is not much time left before escalation

Jun 26, 2024

Fleeting Impressions of Nuclear Radiation

Jun 21, 2024

Italy, France and Germany will Bleed if They do not Repent

Jun 9, 2024

A New Era

Jun 8, 2024

Every Christian Radiates a Light that can Kindle Others

Jun 12, 2024

Nuclear Attack

Jun 7, 2024

The Pope in Doubt - Antichrist in Preparation

May 31, 2024

America Overestimates Itself - and will Experience a Heavy Defeat

Jun 3, 2024

Russia finds allies in the East

Jun 6, 2024

Warning Against the Expansion of the War

Jun 2, 2024

Global Warfronts

May 31, 2024

If England makes the wrong decisions...

May 20, 2024

Warning of a Great Bloodshed

May 26, 2024

Plane Attacks on New York - Russian Jets in the Middle East

May 27, 2024

Sins, Virtues and Belligerence

Apr 26, 2024

Time is Running Out- War & Disasters in the US

May 1, 2024

Insurgents & Rockets in the Jordan Region

May 8, 2024

Jesus' Call to Prayer for England

May 11, 2024

The American people were misled

May 15, 2024

A storm is passing through Iran - Mary sends a glimmer of hope to the people at war

Apr 25, 2024

Soul-searching, Soul Questions and Three Days of Darkness

Apr 8, 2024

Britain's Fatal Involvement in the War - World War 3 can Still be Averted

Apr 5, 2024

The Queen of Peace gives hope and the possibility of peace.

Apr 19, 2024

Jesus Christ’s Message on Easter Sunday

Mar 31, 2024

Details and Background Information on the EMP in the USA

Mar 31, 2024

Naval Battle in the English Channel

Apr 1, 2024

Bombing Raids on Düsseldorf - Mary Spreads her Cloak

Apr 2, 2024

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