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The Gravest Danger to One's Ssoul— To Deny Truth

Jul 18, 2024

Suffering is your greatest asset

Jul 25, 2024

My children, who do you follow?

May 30 — May 31, 2024

Teach the Rosary To Those Around You

Apr 20, 2024

What began in Israel will end in America

Apr 13, 2024

The veil of protection upon America is soon to be lifted

Apr 5, 2024

Time is passing and the hour of mercy is near.

Mar 18, 2024

A great heat will come

Feb 22 — Feb 26, 2024

Give these words to the world...

Jan 28, 2024

I warn my children not to become complacent...

Jan 30, 2024

When you see the sign coming forth from Jerusalem

Dec 7, 2023

There is a trembling that is beginning

Nov 26, 2023

Without prayer, war will come upon every corner of the earth

Oct 24, 2023

It is time to arise from your slumber

Oct 16 — Oct 21, 2023

When There Appears No Restraint…

Oct 5, 2023

Do Not Waste Time

Oct 9, 2023

There is a great ransom to be paid

Oct 10, 2023

You are witnessing the ushering of the wolves

Oct 4, 2023

The days of mourning are upon the world.

Sep 29, 2023

Sin is NOT an act of love

Aug 23, 2023

Come to Me for I Am Jesus

Aug 17, 2023

You Are Soon to be Witnesses to the Greatest Warning to Humanity

Aug 17, 2023

America, the Promised Nation That Will In Time Guide the World Back to My Father

Aug 18, 2023

Do not drink of the forbidden cup...

Jul 27, 2023

The Hour of Great Warning Is Upon Every Doorstep

Jul 20, 2023

The World Has Entered Into the Time of Warning

Jul 5, 2023

My Children are unprepared for a greater unraveling

Feb 6, 2023

Arise from your slumber

Feb 22, 2023

The great hour is approaching

Apr 7, 2023

It is time to seek that guidance of the Holy Spirit

Apr 7, 2023

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