✞ The sweet notes of Love.
*Note from webmaster: I have been tossed as to whether or not to share this visionary's messages due to the confusion with the Church's stance on the messages. Till I find more information in regards to this visionary please, as always, pray for discernment first. God bless.
"Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good."
1 Thessalonians 5: 19-21
"I speak to you, My people of the world, through My little one. See how she has upheld the messages I give to her to warn you of what is to befall you. I wanted you to turn away from sin and the thirst of your flesh: it craves fulfilment of all that is evil and not of Me. I am Life and I have come to call you back to Life and fill you with grace and mercy but you have abandoned Me and permitted yourselves to be seduced through the desires of your flesh to be led into the pit of death. You see all that is evil around you but, My people, I still love you and My desire for you is to open your hearts to your Lord God, receive from Me Truth and see with your eyes - you are on the way to hell and you fail to see or believe.
My people, I will always call you even though you have strayed far from Me. I continue to plead before each heart to open to Me, let Me in, I can rekindle Life and grace in you. As for the world around you- can you not recognise its poisons and the army of hell seducing you on every side, leading you on the way that leads only to hell? I desire with the love that flows from My Sacred Heart, that you turn away from the beast that seduces you in heart, flesh and life. Partake of all that I offer you with the love of My Sacred Heart. Your world is filled with the demons from hell multiplying temptation and the many evil deeds that continue to draw you on the road to perdition.
My priest sons, how so many of you have abandoned the flock -as you have abandoned Me, your God. You once upheld with joy and respect our union in My Priesthood but you have long since abandoned Me and the flock. The world's deprivation is increasing: soon you will be left with nothing. There will be disease of multiple kinds to ravage the flesh and bring death to much of the world's inhabitants. The sea will cover many parts of the earth and the corpses of many will rot on the ground as their stench is carried for miles around.
I make this plea with you people who have received Life in Me. Arm yourselves with My Life. I offer Myself to you - My Mercy, My Grace, My Life. Save yourselves because you have little time left. The world as you know it will be unrecognisable soon. It will be changed forever. The calamities will increase as will the earth's darkness from the demons of hell. They can be heard in Heaven as they rejoice at their victory.
My sacraments were withdrawn from you without reason. Very soon they will no longer be available to you but only an alternative which will not be of Me. You will partake of poison. Yes, you will feed on the poisons already prepared for you.
My people, those of you who have open hearts , hear Me. Arm yourselves with the prayer of the Rosary and pray it many times from your heart. Pray before My Mother's picture which is surrounded by roses.
Keep the Petal close to your heart: that will be your armour when My sacraments are withdrawn from you.
Pray for My priests who have deserted Me.
I will grant many graces before the darkest days draw close to you. There will be darkness as day turns to night. The mountains will fall on you. I bless you, My little one, in the Name of the Father, in Me His Son and the Holy Spirit."