The final secret of Fatima is about to be fulfilled

By Christina Gallagher

July 16, 2024

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Message from Jesus to Christina

My little one, I desire you reveal what I tell you to the people of the world.
It grieves My Sacred Heart that such a defilement of My Church has come about and to see all that is of Me, the Lord and God of you all, being withdrawn.
How can My shepherds look on and remain in approval of its destruction, as the very sacraments of your Lord God are disposed of?
The dark spirits of hell are upon your world and how you will need the Bread of Life!
How precious is the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in Latin, due to its reverence. How the devil hates it.
The world is ripe in receiving the final secret of Fatima about to be fulfilled.
Soon the third world war will rage throughout the world, killing a multitude of people.

What you experience now of your hospitals' withdrawal of care is only in its early stages. You will be denied every need and facility in your time as you await "the mark of the beast" in the form of 'the chip'. There all information about your person will be contained for the destruction of many, many souls to be separated from Life in Me. Soon all that you own will be seized. The 'red army' is about to take control. How I look upon a world's people who do not want to know Me! I am deserted on every side for so many have been blinded by the evil one and the people for whom I shed My Blood have swayed with the darkest deception of Hell. Woe unto the man who deserts My Life and Sacrifice! Hell awaits him, yet its very reality is denied. How real it is and awaits many who live by the flesh and the world. Man does not live by bread alone but through Me, his Lord God.

You, My people in My Mother's House this day, how so many of you hear but remain deaf. I have shown you the power of My Hand in love and mercy to heal and convert many but your hearts are closed.
My Church, its destruction has begun.
Now you will experience many calamities in your world - all manner of disaster but the most painful are the disasters prepared for your souls. You merry your way in the evil surrounding you and engulfing your souls in sin.
How My Sacred Heart has cried out to you! Many of you have lost your faith.
How you will witness death of soul while you are asleep in your flesh and drift with the evil that surrounds you.
You who hear, know that the only Church you will have will be hidden, suppressed and underground. Many of My priests will be martyred. Many of My churches will burn to the ground with My Body and Blood therein. You will be denied My sacraments.

Your world will have fires that will destroy on a huge scale. The weather will become so abnormal - much of the abnormality will be man-made. You will be left with nothing. Disasters and diseases will multiply - much of which will be man-made.

When you witness such, know My Hand is near.

The man of destruction will be murdered in his own blood as he has permitted the bloodshed of others and Hell awaits him for eternity.
I call you, people of the world, turn away from sin, urgently receive the Sacrament of Penance in repentance for your sin and through it receive mercy for yourself. Many will be murdered through a man-made vaccine that is of death. The lives of the aborted babies are sacrificed to Satan and many others also.
Priest sons, prepare for the persecution that awaits you. Do not sway. Be strong in Me. I will live in you if you trust in Me. My Sacred Heart is burdened for what lies ahead of you.

My people, as My Hand draws closer to the world, the lightning bolts will flash throughout the sky. You will tremble from fear but the person who has turned to Me will have no fear. I have left with you the sacramentals that will help and protect you, in union with the prayer of the Rosary, when My Church and its Sacraments will not be with you.

Those who come to My Mother's Houses of Prayer only for the anniversaries, I plead with you to come here as often as possible to pray and gain the many graces that you can receive to sustain you.

O My little one, how I receive all you endure! Your cross has become heavy in union with Me. I receive your every blow and illness. Offer it all to Me. How so many who are foolish mock and disbelieve My words through you from Me but it is only the foolish that mock you. I have pleaded with you, My people, to look after My servant. You will need her - for those who help her will receive a great mercy from Me and the home she enters will be blessed indeed. She is My prophet and she has suffered for you and made her offering to Me for you. Know -as you read in The Book, "for what you do for My prophet, you will receive a prophet's reward". She will lead you to safety if you permit her. It will be I, Jesus, who will guide her on your behalf. How you will need her!

I bless you in My Father, I, Jesus, His Son and the Holy Spirit.