✞ For Jesus, the body is like the Tabernacle, the soul is like the pyx.
Daughter it is I Jesus Please write:
Deuteronomy 4:39 Therefore know this day, and consider it in your heart, that the LORD Himself is God in heaven above and on the earth beneath; there is no other.
1776 is the year your country began its freedom from tyranny, now you will be entering into this past era by taking back your country once more from its satanic power and evil influences over your people’s communistic agenda. I have warned you America and I have prepared you, for now is the time to be on guard against the evil one and this spirit of oppression and attack against the people of America. Today children are new beginnings in your lives, for I will pour out My grace upon you and to those who Fear the Lord with repentance and to those who serve Me with a heart full of Love. I AM a God of Mercy, but I AM also a God of justice.
The court system of America will begin cleaning out the evil men and women, for justice will prevail and in this moment in time My Hand of Creation will bring its preemptive justice. There will be much chaos and corruption with your people as they divide themselves from the truth and My truth is the only way, for those who choose the other will be sorely mistaken. Do not take this lightly, you either serve God and country or you serve self and man with your own sinful agenda. Be aware, as you choose your side remember who you stand for, good or evil. I AM GOD who loves all mankind, and I will not force anyone to serve Me, for they must choose by their own free will. I plead with you to come back to Me children – run to Me and I will be waiting with open arms and with a heart full of mercy, compassion over-flowing with love.
Children I am with you always, never do I leave your side, always one spiritually is with you – an angel from heaven to assist you. Those who refuse Me will not be assisted because your heart serves evil, but I AM merciful and full of love for all, REPENT. Do not think that I do not see the things that are done in secret, for I see all. I will place My condemnation on those who do not repent and do not come back to their Creator. I AM a loving God, but I AM also just. Do not fear My love, only fear the justice that is coming for those who do not REPENT and recognize their Savior and repent. Prepare, the time has come for My judgement is on the horizon – it approaches very soon. Be wise like virgins and prepare. Therefore, stay awake, for you do not know the day nor the hour (Matthew 25:13) of My return. This comes to a nation that has gone astray and will be brought to its knees in repentance and humbled before God. I will not allow this nation to mock God and kill its innocent any longer. You who have poisoned the minds of My young and destroyed the culture of life will pay dearly for your crimes against humanity. This comes to you today as a declaration for the people who have cried out to their God. I have heard your cry America, and it is time for you to become once more ONE NATION UNDER GOD – This is My mandate to the enemy retreat from your works of evil or pay the price of defeat. I am with you always.