✞ For Jesus, the body is like the Tabernacle, the soul is like the pyx.
Today children of My Will, how pleased I AM with your efforts to serve Me and serve My Mother, We both are elated with joy by your love and abandonment.
Now I begin My words for America, children of America, how I wish you would continue your efforts of transition back to Me your God. You must not only change your mindset and direction for this country, but you must repent of your sins and live a life truly seeking God with your hearts. Begin this day by pledging your hearts to Me, Your Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier. I AM a God of Love and Mercy, but I must chasten those who have gone astray and who oppose their Creator who brought them life, all for love of My children. Turn, My children back to God and I will forgive and hold you within My heart full of love and give you healing. If there is no repentance, no healing and no way an unrepentant person can survive what is to come. Begin this transition of turning back to God today, so you will not be left behind. The man of perdition is about to come forth, be ready by giving Me your life, open your hearts children – it is time.
“The wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous,” (Proverbs 13:22) this wealth is a transfer from evil to good, meaning those whom have stolen and used these talents or coins, for their evil deeds have been stripped of their wealth and now this will be given to My righteous who have filled their hearts with love of God and have served Me well. No man shall receive for what they have not earned. My children, “The silver is Mine and the gold is Mine, declares the LORD of hosts.” (Haggai 2:8) This transfer of wealth comes, use it wisely for the betterment of humanity. Also, use your gifts that I have given you to serve and evangelize, healing and teaching, and always loving. My heart beats with sorrow for what is to come with war and destruction, but joy will follow with victory in great anticipation of a new humanity. America My Land of the Free and the Brave, for Beauty and Restoration comes My children of America, for you will help Me renew the face of the earth, with My Spirit and My Divine Will, I am always with you.