✞ For Jesus, the body is like the Tabernacle, the soul is like the pyx.
Matthew 5:10-11: “Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake… Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake.”
The forthcoming of the antichrist.
My children of the Divine Will hear My plea, I call out and plead with you, for My coming is near, do not delay in your acts of My Will. There is danger approaching, a man called the beast who will rise up to destroy My place of holiness, attempting to destroy your faith, the Church. Yes, destruction comes in the physical, but the spiritual is so much more important, as it is your eternal life within, it is the soul. You will be persecuted for your faith in Me. The church will see great hardships and persecutions as well. Now is the time for you to begin or continue acts of love for mankind. It is important that you prepare spiritually by being a true child of God. Leave your worldly desires behind and follow My Will to become one with Me.
Ask yourself, have I prepared My soul? If you have, then you will be ready to face the confrontations and persecutions of many. If not, then you must prepare by attending the Sacrament of Reconciliation and confessing your sins to receive absolution. Consecrate yourself to My Mother, as she will mold and form you into her little child so she can build the kingdom of God within you. If you are not able to prepare, think logically, for if you have time for the things of the world then you have time for God. My sons the priests will suffer greatly at the hand of the evil one – the antichrist has been alive within My church, alive within society, and alive with evil intentions and acts by influencing many human beings.
Your country, America, will be a place of danger and a place of division. You will have to be safe and secure when making your decisions in daily living. I will guide you My children, please believe that these are the days in which the enemy will try to place a hold on My people. Be not afraid to speak and evangelize with My love, I am with you always.