✞ For Jesus, the body is like the Tabernacle, the soul is like the pyx.
Isaiah 60:1-3: "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn".
Today children of My Will I am with you, always waiting patiently for the return of My children who have accepted the world and not Me. I have come to bring you words of encouragement and hope. A specific window of time will soon be closing and your thoughts, acts and prayers for humanity are being used to bring about conversion of hearts. Do not think that I have not heard the cries of My little ones who have been taken in the womb, for I have, and justice is coming. This specific window of time that is closing will bring a new Era of Peace, it will be open and flowing with My love and mercy, for My Spirit will bring forth healing and renewal to a nation that has been held hostage by a people who wish to serve self and not God. You America will be made new again and the glory to God will be given. All nations will see and hear the greatness of your healing with My love and grace flowing into their lands as well.
The founding fathers of America were righteous men, they began their journey by faith, seeking liberty and sovereignty as did their ancestors who were part of the *Magna Carter of centuries ago in England. This was the beginning when men stood for freedom and pursued liberty and freedoms for mankind, humanity truly wanted something better in life from their tyrannical king and leaders. When the people came together acting by faith, they brought forth their ideas for human dignity and freedoms – The Magna Carter. These My children were the steppingstones to America’s voice of freedom and humankind now had a voice - The Declaration of Independence - with God in their hearts leading the way to freedom and independence, this must continue children. My Will is the only way, for I willed this Declaration of Independence, for you children of America are part of this great gift of My Will. Soon tragedy comes, but out of this tragedy the world will be awakened to see the true nature of these evil communistic leaders that have stripped you of everything you fought so tirelessly to be freed from once before by your descendants of freedom.
Know that I have given you My Mother as the Protectress of this great land America. She will be raised high and given a great place of honor in your land of America, for My Mother will bring about the Eucharistic Reign of My Heart and the Reign of Her Immaculate Heart will be made true to all humanity in this land of America. I will come with vengeance, Be strong, fear not! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God (Isaiah 35:4) and bring freedom to My people who have served Me and walked in My Will.
I am with you always.