✞ For Jesus, the body is like the Tabernacle, the soul is like the pyx.
My daughter I am present, please write…
Today children you will see the truth revealed in a way that God wishes to reveal it to you. DO NOT BE AFRAID, have courage and be brave. You will not understand fully but with My grace all will be understood in time. This truth is being revealed to you as the world begins
to display its evil intent and man will find himself alone and distraught. I will be there waiting for all My children and I will pour out My Spirit so you will be enveloped in My love as the truth is revealed. Today you see the darkness overshadow all your actions that are encountered by those who wish to destroy. I tell you to prepare your spiritual house, get your spiritual lives in order and be ready to come to Me so I may cleanse you by absolution in the confessional. This is My Will for you that you attend Confession and Mass, receive Me in a state of grace, and I will receive you with open arms giving you My unconditional love.
A time is coming when you may not be able to attend Confession or to partake in receiving Me at Mass for My churches will close their doors and many of My children will become lost.
I want My priest sons to be able to tend to their flock, but unfortunately, they only tend to their own desires. You will see a decline in church attendance because of this but I say to you My church will be saved and I will not allow satan to destroy it.
I want to speak about the evils of modernism that have entered into My church sanctuary. Please live your lives for the Glory of God and not by your own doctrine. Man has become his own sanctuary while I have been placed to the side. Modernism has taken over much of the church and you My children have fallen into its grip. You have forgotten My most treasured traditions and have allowed praise to My priest instead of praise to Me your Jesus. The Sacrament of Matrimony is a holy covenant of God between man and woman, it is not respected and is seen as entertainment instead of purity and love between a husband and wife. The Latin Rite has been mocked and placed outside of the true faith for the Latin Mass is My Holy Mass and I will reinstate this rite to all My churches. I will bring back My traditions from long ago and My people will once again respect the House of the Lord, for I will establish a holy sanctuary of God. This My children is My Will that all humanity come back to the true church and with My priest sons adhering to the true teachings of the church. The East and West will become One in My Will and My Kingdom will come to fulfillment, for I am with you always.