✞ Sufferings impress the Sanctity of Jesus in the soul.
Today child we will discuss the separation of church and state, a regulatory bias implemented on a nation founded by God. Do you know what this means? It is a division of people who wish to believe that their God given right of faith and structure of state affairs should be separate or divided. This has caused much destruction on the part of acting one with God. A person with a belief in the Creator should always be able to allow their beliefs to direct their actions and decision making. This country was founded on God, not man, and there are those who wish to control your welfare and decisions based on their agenda. I say to you My children, America is and always will be one nation under God, as long as your beliefs and choices are Godly ones.
Your nation has been taken apart piece by piece in order to break down and destroy your once beautiful land structure. I am allowing much of this in order for America to awaken from sleep. A day is coming when you will have to pick up these pieces and rebuild. I will be waiting for you America to restructure and come back to God. The people must abandon their old ways and turn back to God the Father, just like the prodigal son in Luke’s scripture. You are now becoming aware of the lost sheep who are returning to the fold.
Because of man’s sins the world is going through great turmoil. I am a just and loving God desiring all to come running back to Me. I will always be there for My children and I allow calamity as judgment especially for the stubborn and prideful children. America, you will always by My love and a country of God’s creation, I am always with you.