✞ Sufferings impress the Sanctity of Jesus in the soul.
Psalm 107: 29-30 He hushed the storm to silence, the waves of the sea were stilled. They rejoiced that the sea grew calm, that God brought them to the harbor they longed for.
My children, I am here amongst you and I am preparing you to be ready, for the STORM is upon you. Soon you will see the waves smash against the ship just like the waves that tossed about the apostles on the Sea of Galilee and yes, My apostles were frightened as I lay asleep. You My children represent the boat, be not afraid for what is coming, be at peace I am with you.
What is needed is faith and trust. Be like the apostles and come to Me and I will help you to calm your sea of distress. The days upon you are the birthing pains, preparing for My return and this STORM is a mighty one that will take hold of all humanity. What is needed is Me Your Jesus to calm the storm of your trials. I will help all My children and prepare them for their time with Me. This is the beginning of your great trials that I have allowed and will be a test of faith for mankind to encounter their Creator, as all souls will be brought to the precipice as they will see themselves in Truth. This must be in order for each of you to be purified and acknowledge your sinfulness, this will be painful, but I will be with you through it all.
The storm comes and as you are tossed about and the waves are smashing against you know that I will be with you. I will calm the storm as you have faith and trust in Me. I am telling you this out of love in preparation for what is to come. Praying the Hours of Passion and doing your rounds in the Divine Will keeps you afloat and steers you in the right direction of My Will; protecting you from becoming lost in the storm. Pray My Mother’s Rosary, allowing Her to keep you united to Her in prayer and seeking all things in Her, with Her and through Her.
These days are very dangerous for humanity but with Me you will over come all things. REMEMBER PRAYER CHANGES ALL THINGS. PREPARE – BE READY – THE STORM IS UPON YOU. I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS.