I will bring about the conversion of souls

By Daughters of the Lamb

February 14, 2025

Originally Posted By:
Daughters of the Lamb

Romans 8:28 “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose.”

Today I will speak on the world and the chaos that exists.  I am with you.  Be at peace My child, for if you walk with Christ you should be at peace.  NO FEARS, always trusting in Me.

Today children, My eyes are upon you, watching you and taking care of you.  I am listening to the hearts of all My children.  You may not understand but that is why you must trust and have faith.  The days of old are no longer, for you are in a time of great crisis which is about to increase in violence and chaos.  My Mother is taking care of Her own, those who have given their lives in service of the Immaculate One.  She is protecting and guiding Her fold, and I will be there as well.

Now the future of the world.  Today you see the dismantling the U.S. government that was destroying your freedom, this was corrupt and now you see the truth.  Once a country accepts corruption and deceit as their foundation everything falls apart.  The U.S. and many other countries around the world, even the Vatican has been complicit.  I say this to you because I speak the truth.  Now I have given the world a chance at new beginnings, and a one world government NO MORE.  I will bring about the conversion of souls and a humanity that is to Glorifying God, the Creator of all.

I will speak to you My children about what is coming, one must prepare, be vigilant and accept the consequences, by believing that God is in control and that you are to be obedient, and believing I am with you.  No other time is as important as this time, because you are witnessing convergence of the Kingdom with earth.  All is coming together, and the Father is directing a plan for His Kingdom to come.  Luisa has prepared you for this time.  Listen to Luisa, learn from Luisa and love as Luisa loved Me, all for the Kingdom to come.  She was given this great gift and all will be as I have given her.  I want each of you to be part of this great gift – MY WILL BE DONE AS IT IS IN HEAVEN.  Choose to live in the Divine Will because now is the time.  One continuous act can change and make a difference to humanity and bring all into the fullness of My Divine Will.  I love you with infinite love, believe as Luisa believed.  I am with you always.